Why is this topic still open?
Joe Biden is NOT an actor. Joe Biden is the president and as detached from movies as any other politician. Moviechat has proven to be just as bad as many other "entertainment" websites, by allowing right wing propaganda to be spread without check. This was supposed to ba an alternative to the imdb-chatrooms, because they were getting out of control by infiltration of radical idiots.
Same happened here, but it seems Moviechat is totally fine with it. Countless topics against "woke culture", spreading lies about the elections, praising Donald Trump even after he tried to overtake the US with a violent coup.
Seriously, do right wing trolls realize their toxic minds are killing the internet or are they just happy to find others who are just as ignorant as they are?
Addition after the first 5 responses: You are the reason why I wrote this! You can spew your lieas and propaganda like its candy! Trump is still the president? Moviechat lets you say that. Left wingers are conspiracy people? No problem for Moviechat to have that on their website. Bonding over the failed coup of a failed fascist? No problem, come here to this movie message board to be among your peers of looney conservatives. Honestly, I'd laugh if it wasn't so sad.