MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Democrats and questioning elections

Democrats and questioning elections

Where was the outrage from the right when Democrats questioned all of the presidential elections since 2000 that Republicans won?


The 2000 election probably was stolen from Al Gore. Republican officials in Florida and a conservative majority court awarded victory to Dubya. But at a certain point Gore conceded for the good of the nation, and stopped whining about it, realizing no single election was worth damaging our democracy over (what a concept!).

Let's face it - any win that involves losing the popular vote but capturing the arcane Electoral College isn't much of a victory, you're going into office with most of the country not wanting you there from day one. At least most Presidents in that position have been mindful of it and done their best to unite the country and earn the mandate they didn't start off with. Not so with this current piece of garbage. He acted from the beginning as though 99.9% of the people voted for him, and were deeply excited about every stupid demagogue idea he wanted to shove down our throats.

People have a right to bitch about things they're not happy with. Don't conflate that with the current seditious behavior of the Trump bootlickers. Don't play dumb (assuming you're playing). Show me the year Democrats tried to throw out millions of votes and flip states they didn't win through power games in Congress or the courts? Which year did that happen? A rhetorical question of course. It NEVER happened. Until today Republicans never did it either.

We have a uniquely crazy brew of a sociopathic piece of garbage in the White House and a bunch of spineless cowards and powermongers in Congress. If any of them had a conscience they'd be too disgusted to look at their own reflections in the mirror. But the 2020 GOP don't do conscience!


Are you saying that you want Republicans to tear down cities, like ANTIFA and BLM, when they win an election because winning makes them """"MAD""""?????

Weird F'n question.


No, my point was, why can’t we question an election? I’m not saying we should act nearly as animalistic as BLM and ANTIFA. I think it’s very hypocritical for the left to talk down to the right about questioning elections when they do it constantly.


But the Left has double standards for virtually every circumstance, from body-shaming, to blackface, to political corruption. If a member of the Right does it, it's hideous and shocking and outrageous. If a member of the Left does it, there is always a 'reasonable excuse', or better yet, the entire incident is swept under the carpet into the memory hole.





You, of all people, calling someone else a troll, is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on these message boards! 🤣


I supply facts and logic to support my positions. You idiots don't. World of difference there.
