MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Crooked Joe Biden Will NEVER be Presiden...

Crooked Joe Biden Will NEVER be President

Something big will happen


Insurrection Act?


If you want to throw democracy out the trash, sure, go ahead, more entertainment for me when a civil war may happen. More for Russia, but mostly China. All going as planned and why China will be the future depending on what Trump does.


We western society renounced to our democracy when we started doing lockdowns


So the west hasn't had democracy for over 100 years?


You left always try to rewrite history,but the truth is that before 2020 there never were national lockdowns,never! And dont even try to link me some fake pics because i will debunk it immediately,you left cant rewrite history!


I never said there was a national lockdown in the US in 1918 pandemic. There also has not been a national lockdown in the 2020 pandemic either.

I was also unaware that western society only consisted of the US.


You're responding to a bot. Don't waste your time.


I'll be the first...

After decades of physical and metal abuse, I think Jill is actually going to kill him this time.

"Tripped By The Dog"?

Yeah, right Jill?


Something big. Like a zombie apocalypse? An asteroid striking the Earth? An even worse pandemic, leaving only scattered bands of survivors fighting over food and supplies? Because any of those things would probably derail the Biden Presidency. 🤪

If civilization as we know it is still here on January 20th, Joe Biden will be President. You silly Trump worshippers are living in a parallel world very different from this one. We're so lucky to be flushing this foul orange turd down the toilet. I wonder where he's going to live, now that residents around Mar-a-Lago have used the contract he himself agreed to restricting permanent residence to send him elsewhere? Because I don't think New York wants him back.

We should make him a T-shirt: I ❤️ NY ... but NY don't ❤️ me. 😭


What do you think will happen?


Pod people from the planet Trumpalia will replace the human population and take over. In honor of their heroic advance scout, they will name him to a second term in office. 😏


Come on! Grampa Joe stole....I mean “won” the presidency fair an.....Even I can’t keep a straight face! Something will happen. There’s still a month until inauguration. It ain’t over yet.


It's over. Accept it. The big mouth demagogue whose nut sack you lick every day is retiring to investigations of his crooked financial dealings and perhaps even a RICO prosecution. Palm Beach doesn't want him there. So no telling where he's going to live while he awaits trial - but it definitely won't be 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

32 days remaining.

We won .. you lost ... we won .. oh yeah! 🤣


You cheated and it will be proven


Uh ... no it won't, Chappie.


Obomb/Biden: more war than peace


Can you smell the blue thorns along the banana dawn?


... and sour rainbows dance until the gong darkens upward.


How truly can thy fearsome sheet burn cold!


Nothing big will happen. No matter how many clever articles are written exposing the truth about Biden, this POS will be president. The morons rule the earth.


Isn’t it fascinating how most people think that everyone else is a moron and they are the only ones who ‘really’ know what’s going on? I think that is incredible! What a crazy world we live in.
