MovieChat Forums > Mayim Bialik Discussion > Guess her husband can't take it anymore

Guess her husband can't take it anymore

I see she's getting a divorce. That attachment parenting thing doesn't seem to be working all that well, huh?

And I know people are going to scream about how it isn't any of our business, but it IS our business -- she has made her family and home life a public thing by writing books and talking on TV about how wonderful her methods of parenting are.

Frankly, I hope she'll go away now. Seeing her talk about her wonderful parenting skills always makes me shake my head in pity, but, like many people who think they're smarter than everyone else, she thinks the world should be interested in how she lives her personal life. We're not.


It bears noting that she specifically addressed attachment parenting in her public statement, and I believe her when she says if played no role in the decision.

jeris, why because Mayim said it do you believe it. Every1 lies.
celeb more bc they care about their career and $.
for example, all this time kimora has been calling djimon her husband, and now she reveals they are broken up and never in fact married! Why? Bc if she married she'd loose her

To me the fact that Mayim said 'AP played no role' that means she is overcompensating.
So attachment parenting DID play a role.
Do you read her kvellar blogs? her Holistic Mom blogs? jwecy blogs?
They give insight. Mayim was home from 2003-2009. She attachment parenting was a TEAM effort by her husbamd michael and her. She carried one son all day long and he carried their other son all day long. TOGETHER they composted, grew their organic garden, made cleaning products.
Since 2009 with TBBT she is on set. Mayim herself admitted that Michael does it all. HE is the one carring their songs on his chest and back all day because Mayim is at work. When Mayim is home she is on the computer writing for kveller, vegan sites, and various other things. this year she travelled to promote her book, so not just being gone during the day but overnight as well. I think it was a team effort and then it all was put on Michael which may have contributed to the breakdown of the marriage.

now to be fair, ladies have been doing this since time immemorial. often we hear of ladies devoting all their time to the kids while the man works. in mayim's case she worked and Michael stayed home. so ladies do it all the time, why couldnt michael, right?

from reading mayim's words, it was fine to be hands on vegan organic when BOTH PARENTS were in the trenches. for the past 3 yrs it has been Michael in the trenches.

(And I def think a big issues is the 1 bedroom house they live in.
No escape for a few moments of sanity, Only privacy is the bathroom.
Mayim shouldve said thank you to michael by renovating to add a room to be his man cave.
