Almost Bond

IMDb trivia:

He was offered the role of James Bond in Dr. No (1962), but turned it down because he was unwilling to commit to a three-picture contract. Baker may have regretted this decision, since a few years later he asked producer Albert R. Broccoli about the possibility of playing a villain in a Bond movie.

That would have been interesting. Possibly one of the few actors at the time who could have matched Connery in physical presence. But if he had taken the part (and I have to wonder how many actors were offered the part during the films development) I suspect the films would have turned out much the same as they did.


The Butcher of Barcelona.


Yep, that and Zulu is probably what he's remembered for but some of his earlier British films are pretty good.


The later film, A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin (1971) is one of my favorites also.
