
She was on the last episode of Girls

It's not listed on her imdb page. Her character seemed to hit it off with Adam as well which means hopefully she might be back for a few more episodes

I really like the show and I really like Shiri so it was a nice surprise when she showed up at the restaurant

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yeah! i was a big fan of shiri back in the day. which is only a few years ago, when i last saw her in "six degrees". great to see her on this show.


She has the best guest start character by far. And i mean that compare to other series too. I love her in Girls and hope she stays at least till the end of the season.


did she do any nudity prior to this role? it was somewhat shocking to her in this light as i was only used to seeing her in cute romcoms and roswell.... :/


Before this someone leaked a nude selfie that she took with her phone. She is a grown woman and I have no idea why she would take a nude pic of herself and as far as I know she didn't release a statement on it.


I haven't seen it, but it *could* fall under the heading
"No publicity is bad publicity."

Which can be restated as "The only BAD publicity is none at all...",
presuming it was a selfie, and not some photoshopped creation that is... and not a bootleg or a screen test for her part in the series.
(Painfully, some stars realize too late that isn't truly the case... like the actor who played Pee Wee Herman, and got sent to jail for some of the *publicity* he had...)

Most of the discussion is about the next to last episode of season two of the HBO series...


Found the "selfie" on a website, but the moderator included a HUGE disclaimer that there has been a woman who resembles Shiri trying to pass her own images as Shiri for some time before that "selfie", and his experience and opinion is that is indeed A "selfie", just NOT a Shiri "selfie"... He also gave reasons why he believed it was not, and specifically why it was not the result of a hacked phone, or even a revenge posting done by someone else.

Now having seen it, I agree it is NOT Shiri.


Why the big deal over the selfie? Even if she did take it herself and was hacked? She probably took it for her fiancé - she's a grown woman and shouldn't be shamed for it. The person who leaked it should.

also she was great on girls and i think it helped her career tremendously by maybe changing people's perception of her and getting her noticed a bit more (since the show is so popular).
