MovieChat Forums > Scott Adams Discussion > Why the outrage? Adams should be PRAISED...

Why the outrage? Adams should be PRAISED.

White people are routinely tagged as inherently racist by leftist media, woke corporations and US academia (all caucasians are "complicit", carry indelible "whiteness" etc). So isn't Adams one of the more honest and admirable whites out there? Shouldn't the left be praising him for shunning "white fragility" and openly admitting to his distaste for blacks? It's the first step in "doing the work"!

I reckon Adams is a much better person than those slippery everyday whites, the ones who conceal their appalling racism by doing evil things like, you know... treating blacks as they do everyone else.


*puts on ignore*


Yup, run away. Good little woketard! 👏


He's not saying "I'm a racist, but I'll work to improve myself", he's just being racist, with no apologies.


All white people – from newborn babies to little old ladies – are clearly appalling, intolerable racists. So the guy who admits to his distaste for blacks is obviously on a healthier trajectory than the fragile/defensive whites who claim to have zero animus toward blacks!


Even if you're right, it doesn't seem like he's making any efforts to change. And he didn't admit to his own racism. In fact, all he did was accuse Black people of being bigots.


However we're labelling his behaviour, he stated that he doesn't want to be around black people. That's a damn sight better than those white folks who tell downright despicable lies like, "I see the black man as my equal". The number of Southern whites who have MLK photos on their walls would amaze and sicken you. We all know they throw darts when nobody's looking.


"All white people – from newborn babies to little old ladies – are clearly appalling, intolerable racists."

No rational person could possibly say such an idiotic thing seriously. You are obviously joking.


Well no, I'm not. The likes of Robin DiAngelo, Reni Eddo-Lodge and Ijeoma Oluo argue that racism is inherent in anyone with white skin.


All I heard in Adams's rant is someone misinterpreting a poll of dubious merit that asked a dumb, vague question. He's stupid to assume that roughly half of black Americans are racist against white people based on this shoddy clickbait-type survey. Never mind the sample size. Who the hell even knows who responded to it and whether those who did were taking the nebulous question seriously in the first place?


Nothing he said was racist. Leaders of the black race hustling industry say worse everyday.

Let’s not forget, it’s the so-called “anti-racists” who are dividing and pushing for segregation today.


It sounds to be as if Scott Adams is pushing for segregation.


Scott Adams: "Get the hell away from black people."
Robin DiAngelo: "People of colour need to get away from white people."

One of these people is censured in the media, while the other is held up as a hero. 😂
