Princess Leia

If they need a grown up Leia for future Star Wars movies, they should definately consider using Amy Adams. No need for CGI!


My thought exactly. I'm watching American Hustle right now, and as soon as I saw Amy I thought "Hey, it's Princess Leia!"


I really don't see the resemblance, guys.


Me neither... I mean, I guess if you put a Leia wig on her, then maybe. I've only really seen her in Enchanted and Night at the Museum 2, though; maybe she looked more like Leia in other movies/shows?

EDIT: Just looked at some other pictures of her, and I can kinda see it now.


The physical resemblance is passable, or would be if they gave her a brown wig, brown contacts, and a padded bra.

It's her voice that doesn't match. Adams has a high-pitched, girlish voice, and the late Carrie Fisher had a marvelously deep alto voice that dropped to bass levels in her later years. It was IMHO one of the things that gave Leia an air of authority in the original films, she was very young but her voice sounded so mature. And the fact is that actors can alter their voices somewhat with training, but they can't make their speaking voice drop by a couple of octaves.


that would be interesting :)


No resemblance whatsoever...


Plus, that would be Princess Leah.



Ii was thinking princess Lois 😂


That works!
