Perfect woman

Of course I don't know her, but just by the look and her acting, my goodness... to me personally, she's the goddess. The Venus. And she's in her late 30's!

I don't understand why she isn't much more famous. She also acts in some "not pretty girl" roles, which I think is a huge mis-cast. Every time I look at her face, her smile, her eyes, especially some close-ups... can't do anything but sigh with admiration. Ok, if I have to be very picky, I'll say she's a little bit too thin.

Just have to say it. She's so underrated in my opinion. But who knows, maybe she doesn't care so much.


I didn't see Angel, but I believe you have your point. When I have time I might watch it. But really all I care about is Amy.

I'm still very puzzled by the fact that she isn't a well-known actress. I never see her in any talk show (but again, maybe it's because she doesn't accept the invitations?) or more movies/TV shows. What could be the reason(s)? On the other hand, that might be a good thing though...
