

Who calls him this? A dozen or so losers on the internet? Highly doubt he knows, or would care if he did, but keep on keepin' on.


I call him that, because he's a crap filmmaker. I mean, aside from his fucking annoying lens flares, he sets up numerous plot threads but has NEVER been able to satisfactorily conclude them. We'll see if he can finish off Star Wars with good conclusions, but I doubt it.


He made the best Star Trek movie of all time, so you got to give him that. Not to mention The Force Awakens... best Star Wars movie since the first two, and one that erased the foul taste of the foul prequels from everyone's mouths. Lost petered out, though.


Wrath of Khan was the best Star Trek movie of all time, stop lying.
TFA was a lame manufactured rehash of the better ANH. I prefer the Prequels to it.
I never watched Lost, and I'm glad I didn't.


Wrath of Khan was the best Star Trek movie of all time

It's easily my least favorite. The logical errors abound: Why is it necessary for so many senior officers to appear in a mere cadet simulation (the Kobayashi Maru)? Why use live explosives in a simulator? Are these officers actors in their spare time (it certainly looks like it; Spock in particular hams it up)? How could Starfleet and their cartographers not realize that an entire planet is missing in the Ceti Alpha system? How could Chekov not realize this since he’s a trained navigator? Why didn’t Chekov realize that the Ceti Alpha system was the system in which Khan and his clan were marooned by his former captain (even assuming he wasn’t aboard the Enterprise during the 1st Season of the Original Series, he would have certainly gotten word from the rest of the crew, in particular from his Helmsman buddy Sulu)? How did the multi-ethnic supermen of “Space Seed” turn into a bunch of blond Aryans? Why would Scotty melodramatically bring his wounded nephew to the Bridge instead of Sickbay (which is one of the lamest scenes in Trek history)? Why does the ear slug simply leave Chekov instead of killing him as the creatures did to twenty of Khan’s people? How could Kirk not notice that Spock, his right-hand man, had left the Bridge? Why doesn’t Spock just put on an environmental space-suit before entering the radioactive chamber?

I could go on but I’ll have mercy. As great as these errors are, they could be ignored if the story itself was compelling.

Yes, there are some inspired elements that make it worth viewing and the second half finally gets interesting (up to Spock’s boring and cringe-inducing sacrifice anyway), but on a whole it’s a missed opportunity and near-soporific dud.


When I said Wrath of Khan was the best, I wasn't speaking from personal experience and personal opinion, I was just spouting what several "best of" lists have said.

Personally, my own choices for best Classic Star Trek movie would be Voyage Home or Undiscovered Country, one for a light-hearted story and one for political intrigue.


Any chance you could re-post this on the Wrath of Khan board? I've always believed the movie is absurdly overrated and your post explains why and says it best.




Wrath of Khan is the funniest, in a can't stop laughing at how corny it is way, but come on-- that's an objectively bad movie. Ricardo Montalban in his jazzercise gear, Shatner hamming it up-- search your feelings, you will know it to be true.


See my post above.


Our differences aside on Wrath of Khan, the 2009 Star Trek has one of my favorite moments in all of sci-fi. When I first watched the film, and Spock was hurtling towards the missiles protecting the enemy ship, I had no idea how they were going to get him out of it. I was on the edge of my seat. The visual alone, on a giant screen of Spock's ship on a collision course with all the missiles was worth the price of admission, but then "Captain, I've picked up another ship," and the Enterprise leaps out of warp, all guns blazing, as the music swells... that is one of the best-executed endings in action movie history. I went back to see the movie a few days later just because I knew I'd get to watch that 2 minute stretch again. Say what you will about Abrams, he knocked it out of the park with that Star Trek film.

Here you go:



Bosh! "TREK 4 The Voyage Home" is the best Trek movie! It's a lovely film, sweet and funny and always with rewatching.

And better than anything Abrams ever made in his life. And BTW I loathe the Star Wars fanboys who devote their lives to bashing the Disney films... but that's an awesome nickname.


I agree, and I've clarified my opinion above. But Undiscovered Country is just as good and deeper, I think.


I agree with everything you said, but Lost is actually pretty damn good.


Lost sucked. But the final result wasn't JJ'S fault. It was his stupid lackeys fault.


A New Hope was not original either. So since you are giving flak to TFA for that that means A New Hope deserves flak as well. Also you are in the minority in thinking the prequels were better. Critically and by the average person TFA far exceeds the prequels.


I didn't say the Prequels were better than the OT, but they ARE better than the ST. Unless you're one of the retards who think that the Last Jedi is worth anything?


The prequels are better than the sequel trilogy according to who you? TFA by the majority is considered better than all the prequels were. So is the rest of the world stupid and you are the smart one? Highly doubtful considering you insulted someone's intelligence simply because they enjoy a movie you dislike. So in order for someone to enjoy Last Jedi they have to lack intelligence? Or maybe it could be they liked a movie you didn't ever consider that?


I love the OT, which are enjoyable viewing.
I like the PT, which have problems but don't bother me generally.
TFA is horrible and drives me up the wall.
TLJ is very much the same as TFA, if not worse.

Something's wrong with this picture, that's for certain.


I think the PT is unbearable I hated every single one of those films. A whiny emo Anakin as well as a romance that has no chemistry no thanks. I't's not fair! Yeah that is totally a line I can picture Darth Vader saying...

The Disney Star Wars films may have flaws but they are leaps and bounds better than the prequels were.


I don't agree, and that's all that matters... to me.


Do not really care if you agree. Do not state the prequels are better as if it is an objective fact when it is merely your subjective opinion.


OK, so people thought TFA was a solid foundation "back to normal" movie after they hated the Prequels, but what about TLJ? Surely people can't defend that piece of shit? I mean, JarJar Abrams is having to do a massive course correction after Ruin Johnson derailed the sequel train, surely you agree with that?


Here is what I find interesting. First off let me just state I find Star Wars to be overrated even the original trilogy. Was it impactful yep but there are better made trilogies than that imo. Lord of the Rings takes a giant steaming dump all over the Star Wars trilogy. I could list other ones that do also but that one absolutely destroys Star Wars in my book.

Anyhow okay so TFA comes out what is the big complaint. Wah it is a remake of a new hope wah! To which I think A New Hope was not original either. Ever heard of the the Hidden Fortress by Akira Kurosawa? Funny how cliched or derivative only gets thrown at stuff people dislike. If they enjoy it suddenly those labels disappear.

So then Last Jedi comes out and it subverts expectations in many ways. Wah this did not go the way I wanted wah! Lets be honest there is no way to satisfy Star Wars fans. They put the original trilogy on such an insurmountable pedestal nothing will ever begin to compare.

People were already gearing up to hate episode 8 before it even got released. Same will be the case for episode 9. Their mind was made up before the movie came out. I say this vote with your wallet. Do not go and support something and then whine about how awful it is. I do not go and see Jurassic Park movies anymore, why? Simple I think the series has been trash after the first film.


I agree with you wholeheartedly about LOTR and how Star Wars fans are. Lord of the Rings is a far more complete, better written and epic trilogy that is thoroughly enjoyable, and I like it more than Star Wars, to be honest.

As for the "insurmountable pedestal", I agree. I don't know why fans who saw the OT when it came out are so obsessed with it, it didn't resonate as much with me at all, and I was old enough to be there when it first came out. All I can guess is that 1970s cinema was so bleak, cynical and pessimistic (it was, with Vietnam, the Cold War and everything) that Star Wars must've been like a hurricane of fresh air by comparison.

Agreed about Jurassic Park as well. But I think I will want to see the Rise of Skywalker, but I may wait for user reviews first this time.


It does not matter how good you make a Star Wars movie now. People have that original trilogy on that pedestal and will bitch no matter what you put out. Honestly I wish Star Wars would just die completely. I am over it and it's lame fanbase.


When people say they are done with Star Wars, I wonder if that means they get rid of all the DVDs, Blu-rays, books, toys and other paraphernalia to do with the franchise.


Stfu....No he didn't you idiot....😂😂😂


Hmmm we agree again. Yeah he doesn't finish much. Lost had an awful conclusion, the Star trek movies were nothing but alternate reality crap and unfortunately Star Wars is suffering from the same issues. A cobbled together mess...


He's a stereotype of a jewish moneymaker.

They create crap products that aren't well made, but are hyped, etc but are junk. Instead of something material like a toaster, he makes stories that are fraudulent.

The only reason his films look good is due to the technology. If not they would be Ed Wood level cheap crap.



actually thats his real name...


no it's not.


JJ Abrams is basicaly Señor Spielbergo from the simpsons a cheap rip off of Steven Spielberg.

Star Trek i will admit i really enjoyed.
Super 8 = The Goonies
Star Trek Into Darkness = The Wrath Of Kahn
The Force Awakens = Star Wars (not gonna call it a new hope)
And Rise of Skywalker will probably be a copy of Return of the Jedi and Avengers Endgame if you believe all the rumours.

Abrams and Disney are perfect for each other as neither innovate or create anything new, they both just take what others have made successful and put there crap spin on it.


JJ said the Rise of Skywalker will not be a copy of Return of the Jedi.


Yeh and of course Hollywood tells the truth


It HAS to bother him. Cause the joke didn't die. It really stuck and probably will his whole career and after his death. It's part of his legacy now.


I wish someone would ask him during an interview. I think the nickname is clever and funny. Kudos to whoever thought it up.


Are we referring to 15 guys on the internet as "people" now? It's amazing how deluded many internet posters are thinking that some inside joke that only they and a handful of other people think is funny has gone mainstream.


I'm sure he could care less as he rolls around in his millions. He is probably surrounded by people who kiss his bottom most of the time and tell him how amazing he is rather than any type of criticism. And that probably goes for most people who have made it in Hollywood.


So Jar Jar doesn't care about the quality of a product, but how much he could make surrounded by cronies. That fits him. A true Company Man.
