MovieChat Forums > John Lennon Discussion > He said Peter Sellers...

He said Peter Sellers...

would be in an institution if he wasn't rich and famous.


yea? And Lennon would be alive if he wasnt a hypocrite and an awful human being.


he was killed by a psycho for no reason


He was killed because he preached communism while living lavishly. A phony. That doesnt sit well with psychos who are Karma's agents.


Which hypocrites will you be Karma's agent for?


... o-m-g ...


There's no argument that he was a hypocrite.


That is not the reason he was killed. He was killed by a deranged lunatic who wanted the fame of killing someone famous.


He didnt pick Lennon's name out of a hat. He saw the guy on TV acting like a moron, with one of his retardedly ironic protests. Then he played the deranged lunatic card to get off lightly.


The only deranged lunatic here is you.


No, he didn't pick Lennon at random. And he didn't pick him because he was acting like a moron either, or he'd have committed murder long before that. He picked Lennon because Lennon was famous, and developed an obsession over him.


He was obsessed with Jodie Foster, not Lennon. He's not that crazy. That turd aint worth a second thought.


He didn't obsess over Jodie Foster, that was Hinckley.

And he would have to be even more deranged if his motives were what you claim they were. After all, then he'd be liable to kill anyone he found annoying. What's the matter with you?


Whoops. I guess I got them confused. In that case, I agree with you. Hinckley was a real jerk and Chapman was a gentleman and a scholar!


I didn't say anything that could possibly allow you to say that, even in jest. Hinckley obsessed over both Jodie Foster and John Lennon. Chapman obsessed over John Lennon.


Such obvious bait from such an obvious attention whore troll.


I'm sorry. You're in favor of beating women and communism?


Chapman himself said he did it for no reason.


Like I said, Lennon antagonized faith too much and it sent its messenger. Many such cases. We should be rejoicing he's not around to poison the atmosphere anymore with his cunty bullshit.


So you believe in God, but a God who sends out people to kill others? That's considerably at odds with the tenets with every single version of Christianity.

Perhaps you're just a wack job.


every single version of Christianity does not dismiss the old testament and the wrath of god and his soldiers.


Clive James interviewed Peter Sellers and he said the guy was crazy too, until the camera started rolling and suddenly Sellers became sane for the duration of the interview.


That may have been true. Sellers wasnt right, it's not clear of he was on the autism spectrum or had a Cluster B personality disorder or what, there are theories but nobody knows for sure. In a more instututionalization-friendly age, he might have been locked up.


Yep, Seller's was an impossible human being. there you go.
