MovieChat Forums > Harvey Weinstein Discussion > The double standard between boys vs girl...

The double standard between boys vs girls when it comes to rape in hollywood

Really, there is something wrong. Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Stephen Collins they all molested girls and they are paying for their deeds now, and rightfully so. These three were all over the news so we know every details about their sick behaviors. Polansky escaped to Europe but we still know he molested a 13 year old girl. Now, what disturbed me is that Hollywood likes to keep things much quieter when it comes to boys getting raped and molested ! So many previous child actors has said publicly that Hollywood was full of pedophiles that abused young boys. Yet, Bryan singer ? A couple of article in the press about allegation during the promotion of the last X men film and now he his back working like nothing happened. Victor Salva , the sick pedophile who raped a 12 year old boy during the making of his film Clown house just released Jeepers Creepers 3 and also made a movie with the "Brave" feminist Rose McGowan in 2011.Corey Haim killed himself over the sexual abuse that screwed him up when he was a child, did he get Justice? No, they slipped all that under the table. So many former male child actors went on publicly to say that big heads in Hollywood molested young boys, including Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood ...What I do not get is if these former Child actors were women the press would be all over this. Sexual exploitation and harassment of people is wrong,period. Men or Women should get justice but women are slightly more protected in Hollywood because it is easier to talk about a man raping a female then it is of a man raping another male. It's really retarded ...


I don't think there's living male actors who have named abusers, specifically. If they have a case, they should go to law enforcement, get a lawyer and get in line, like everyone else.

The reports I've heard re: the abuse of underage males has been very veiled, and murky. I think Corey Haim died without mentioning any names, and as I recall Corey Feldman never what is there to go on?

I'm not being callous, I'm just saying there seems to be much less evidence.

Michael Jackson went through two trials over reports like it doesn't appear to me the issue was exactly ignored. That was front page news and reported everywhere.

I do not know why Victor Salva ever worked again. That's downright creepy.


Francis Ford Corolla helped him, he produced Jeepers Creepers even if he knew well about Salva jail time for molesting a child.. Trust me Holywood knows all that is going on in regards to paedophilia amongst the elite but they keep things quiet ! There is a great documentary that is very enlightening in YouTube about it:


I think I've seen that documentary. It fails to establish there's any widespread problem or coverup. It focuses primarily on one production company that was shady.

I'm sure there are child abusers in Hollywood, as there are everywhere. But I would not imagine it's COMMON. Simply because pedophiles....and we're stretching that to include young teens, which isn't what pedophilia is about....make up a very small percent of society. So it's not like EVERYONE in Hollywood has gone pedophile, or is sympathetic to them. Why WOULD they be?

Yes, it seems pedophiles are here and there, in Hollywood and elsewhere. But it's not something that's mainstream or something in the film industry, behind closed doors.

That just doesn't make sense, numbers-wise. It sounds like a conspiracy theory.

(But of course, I don't know everything...)


As for pedophilia being common... I don't know how common it is in the general population, probably more common than we think. But if it became known among pedos that a certain organization or industry was either reluctant to oust or punish pedophiles, or worse, willing to cover for them, then they'd all flock to that organization or industry. (Personally, I think that's what happened in a certain major church.)

Now there are a lot of crackpots and conspiracy theorists telling each other that Hollywood is full of pedophile networks and convincing each other of all sorts of improbable things, and I roll my eyes at their nonsense, but there's got to be at least some pedophilia in Hollywood. In an atmosphere where the power players wink at each other's peccadillos and ruin the careers of anyone who complains about being treated like a sex toy, I bet there are those preying on child actors the way HW preyed on women. Do you think that if HW found out that someone he worked with was preying on kids or teens, he'd do a damn thing about it?


Well, first we have to clarify what pedophilia is. It seems like the term is misuded sometimes. I think we all shut down when we hear that word and move on, without reminding ourselves what it psychologically is.

Basically, there isn't a legal area that includes teen or young adult. I think one is classified as either child (under 18) and then adult. But there is a developmental phase when someone has gone through puberty and is sexually functional...even though they are not on the emotional level of an adult (or have the legal consent of an adult.)

Pedophiles (as I understand it) are not attracted to individuals who have gone through puberty, and begun that developmental phase that's bringing them toward adulthood. So much as he makes my skin crawl, I would not classify Roman Polanski, for instance, as a pedophile. He did not seek out undeveloped children. He DID target very young women, or those he considered to be young women. (I think he said he assumed the girl from 1977 was somewhat older than she was.) (On the other hand, who trusts him?) (She was 13.) He went on to sleep with Nastassja Kinski and -- I think -- his wife Emmanuelle Seigner when they were teens. But I don't think that is classified as pedophilia.

That world of people being attracted to undeveloped children is so shady...I don't even know what to theorize about it. But I don't think Harvey Weinstein would have been any kind of whistleblower about ANYTHING. I don't think he'd report a murder, let alone something one might walk away from alive : (


I honestly don't care about the distinction between pedophile and ephebophile, send them all to jail!

The important thing is that modern Hollywood may well have created an environment where they could get away with criminal acts. I seriously doubt that HW would do anything about, say, a casting director on one of his films who preyed on child actors. because he's evil and amoral and it wouldn't make him any money. And there might have been a hell of a lot of others who were willing to let predators get away with illegal acts, or others who kept quiet because that was how the game had come to be played - predators get away with it and whistleblowers never work again.

Which is almost entirely speculation on my part. Although I have heard rumors about what goes on behind the scenes at a certain children's TV channel, and I do hope this scandal shines some light into that (alleged) nest of vipers.


Like samual jackson said in shaft. Just cause they don't scream when your using them don't make it right.


Pedo Polanski did assault a 10 year old. I posted a link on his board.


Well, there's THIS:


Uhh, okay, WTH was that about?? I've never seen The Tenant.

No wait, I don't want to know.


It's about a guy who moves into an apartment that literally gives him a nervous breakdown. It becomes very surreal as he becomes unhinged...that scene takes place as he's beginning to go off the rails.


This is a pretty good 9 minute video that discusses the film's themes:


Thanks, but honestly the guy gives me the creeps too, so I think I'll pass.


Well, that is understandable.


The thing is, Salva, having been convicted of what he did, can never work with children again, and that's the only reason, I think, that he's able to still work in the business. I could be wrong on that. And I think he still has to register as a sex offender whenever he works. Keep in mind, he was convicted and deservedly had to serve jail time for what he did---and he has not been convicted of anything else since, and did express remorse for what he did to his victim. That dosen't justify anything he did, but it might explain why he is still working in the business.


Just for the record Corey Haim didn't kill himself, he died of pneumonia. That being said he did say that some producer molested him when he was young, I believe it was when he was making Lucas.


Yeh I know, wrong choice of word, what I meant is the lifestyle he was leading was like a slow death, it certainly did not help to fight his pneumonia :( I would love that paedophilia ring to be taken down. Maybe men who were victims are more ashamed to come forth?.. I remember Feldman saying in an Interview that he knew the name of Haim's molester and it was a Hollywood big shot..


I'm certain the others who were victims are more ashamed to step forward. There *is* a lot of shame involved in these cases. A pity, since the shame really belongs to those who are preying on and damaging others, *not* with their victims.


Feldman eventually said that it was Charlie Sheen who molested Haim on Lucas. Haim's mom has said that wasn't true and his molester was someone else, I forget his name but he was the fat kid in Friday The 13th part 5.


Cant believe this perverted assault stuff still goes on (it seems like its past time we cut this crap out...)
Yeah i heard rumors about those Corey guys...horrible stuff
These abusers should rot in jail BUT they are rich and connected so...
Pretty awful stuff
People just suck i guess


Does appear the media has swept the stories of men being abused under the rug. Men are expected to defend themselves. Even when they're children, and can't...


Yeah that is what I mean -- There is an horrible stigma when it comes to boys being abused and in that sense they are not as easily protected as women.


Has there been any official story about the abuse of young men to sweep under the rug? Some male actors have come forward with stories, but nothing dramatic enough to keep ratings up for days and days like the Weinstein accusations. Because if the media is paying more attention nto Rose McGowan than Rob Schneider, I suspect that's the real reason.

I don't know if there's going to be such a story. Both men and women are reluctant to speak about past abuses because they don't want to be seen as weak or damaged (among other reasons), but men even more so.


That and men that have been abused are not likely to bring it up in public. Would you?


Because an accusation isn't proof of guilt. People lie. And sometimes people lie without meaning to lie because they misremember or someone gets in their head. That's why prosecutors often hesitate to try someone based on witness testimony alone. There are many, many, many, stories of people who were wrongly accused. With Weinstein and Cosby, many insiders knew or suspected what was going on but the victims didn't want to come forward. But that doesn't mean that everyone who is accused of harassment, rape, or racism, is guilty.


I have friends that in the 80s and early 90s worked in Hollywood. I can attest that those rapes happened quite often. Many boys were ok with it as bit parts was offered in return. Many of the kids that drifted into Hollywood did not come from LA and had minimal safety nets or financial support to fall back on. It was lawless back then. Most of the worst predators was usually Jewish older men. Producers, TV execs, TV directors, casting agents etc. It was common practice to trade sex for walk on parts. Of course, no one never made it and most of the boys drifted into addiction , prostitution, one was even raped to death in a rundown hotel in DTLA.

My point is that it happened all the time but never mentioned. Hopefully this practice don’t continue in 2023.
