You and him in a ring. Are you landing one punch?
Hell no.
shareI gain more respect for Tyson with every year that passes and I learn more about him.
sharePutting that respect away, are you landing one?
shareNegative. No way. Short video on Tyson in his prime makes me laugh at people talking about Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee is great as a one-on-one martial arts fighter. But if it's a fist fight of power, he loses in a second.
shareBoxing is a sport, no matter how strong Tyson was and how fast and powerful his fists were, one kick to the groin he would still go down.
shareNot me.
Mohammed Ali or Bruce Lee vs Tyson at the height of their careers. That's a fight I would want to see!
Bruce Lee had the speed, but the strength would be tough to go up against Tyson.
shareThe speed would have been enough for him to take Tyson out because against Bruce Lee, he wouldn't have been able to get a punch in.. Bruce Lee was the real deal folks..
shareI love Bruce Lee. The thing is that Bruce was a patient fighter. He waited until the perfect opportunity to make his move. I'm feel that if Tyson happened to hit first, it would be game over.
shareLee wouldn't allow him to get 1 punch in.. Lee would've kicked Mike Tyson's ass is the bottom line
shareWeight classes exist for a reason. Bruce was strong, but not heavyweight strong - he would have serious difficulty taking Tyson down. Also, Tyson was fast, and Lee wouldn't be able to outmaneuver him forever.
Bruce agreed with this reality btw, he was no fool: "Everybody says I must fight Ali some day… I’m studying every move he makes. I’m getting to know how he thinks and moves". But when asked if he would beat him, he admitted "Look at my hand… that’s a little Chinese hand. He’d kill me".
He would've kicked Tyson's ass in record time with a roundhouse Tyson wouldn't have been able to recover from..
shareYouve been watching way too many movies and think thats real
shareLOL no. not in any world.
bruce lee weighed 140 lbs. Mike tysons fighting weight varied but he was a heavyweight and often was around 220. physics do exist and that means no matter how skilled, Tyson is hitting a hell of a lot harder.
Mike tyson wasnt some slouch who would be tired out and had bad cardio and unable to hit Lee. and Tyson was used to taking far harder stronger hits from other opponents, he wouldnt be struck and then in some daze like in a movie.
if Lee was a greyhound Tyson was a pitbull and would tear him apart.
To clarify, Bruce Lee Kung Fu vs Tyson boxing. I believe Lee would win by kicking.
Lee boxed, too. I believe Tyson would win.
Ali would beat Tyson.
I'd still like to see these match-ups.
Are you joking? Bruce Lee wasn't a real fighter, but an actor. He never fight anyone in public. Do you know why? Because he knew he can't win.
If Bruce Lee fight with Tyson, I'll surprise he can last 30 seconds.
even if he was a trained fighter, Lee weighed 140, Tyson 220. Tyson would easily tank any hits from Lee, and likely a single well placed punch would knock Lee out.
shareBoxing yes. But, the point of martial arts is for a weaker person to defend themselves against stronger opposition (bigger, weapon, multiple).
Lee could kick Tyson once in the throat and kill him. Tyson had tremendous speed, but Lee had more. Lee was also trained to deflect punches with blocks. Boxers just take them by covering their faces.
this isnt an action/martial arts film where bruce had the magic 5 finger touch of death
bruce lee punched with a force of around 350lbs
tyson 1100lbs.
tyson outweighed him by almost 100lbs.
would tyson dodge all of Lees strikes? nope, but he would survive them. he's taken beatings from other far larger and stronger people than Lee. There is also no way bruce dodged all of tysons punches. and even one could end him.
Kung Fu trumps boxing.
Martial arts is very effective for real world self-defense. It's not like the movies in which the fighting is endless. One or two blows is enough.
This debate is the reason I want to see a Tyson v Bruce Lee fight. No rules.
1. 240 of pure muscle trumps 140 lbs .its physics
2. boxing is a martial arts
3. show me any evidence Bruce lee has or could withstand the blows and beatings Mike did. mike was seasoned and used to actual competition, Lee was not nearly as.
4. no one or two blows is not enough. he was called iron mike. not glass chin mike. the man could take blows. he people who weighed 250lbs. so again mike can withstand 10 rounds gettng his face punched in by guys 100lbs heavier than Lee, yet lee is going to use "one of two blows" and take him out? you are the one watching too many movies
5. bruce Lee trained most in WIng chun. which is literally a garbage "martial art" and not effective. its basically tai chi. which he also trained in. he eventually learned some kung fu, judo and yes american boxing. but if all these are so effective, why arent most MMA fighters using them?
all youd have to do is put up 100$. i would bet my home, my life, my parents life and my grandparents life prime Mike tears Lee apart.
Karate, also. Kung Fu is not Tai Chi. Wing Chun is Kung Fu. Judo is basically wrestling (hugging) - not something to use against Tyson.
MMA is BS. What are soldiers, police and agents taught? Martial Arts - not western boxing.
To clarify, I'm talking a street fight scenario. No rules.
In martial arts, you're not supposed to "withstand blows". You're supposed to avoid or deflect them away.
Anyway, Lee would avoid Tyson's punches. Lee is shorter with less arm length than Tyson so he would keep his distance. Tyson was more powerful, but Lee was faster. Lee attacks might be kicks and or sweeps in which Tyson isn't trained.
I don't believe Tyson would fair well if he was kicked in the balls or throat at full speed and force. Or just snap his knee.
If you can figure out a way to bring back Lee and have both men fight in their prime, then I'd gladly take that $100 bet.
I'd also like to see Tyson and Ali in a boxing match.
your first comment make no send. wing chun is utter bullshit. which was what he learned first and most. he also learned tai chi, again more non actual combat BS.
"MMA is BS. What are soldiers, police and agents taught? Martial Arts "
LOL MMA stands for mixed martial arts. your comment makes no sense. also cops are and soldiers are taught a mix. from my research its often a similar blend to what MMA fighters use. because most of their "fighting" is close up on the ground scuffles. but what they arent learning is kung fu. actually besides some judo pretty much the mix they learn is none of what Bruce Lee did.
In martial arts, you're not supposed to "withstand blows". You're supposed to avoid or deflect them away.
Anyway, Lee would avoid Tyson's punches. Lee is shorter with less arm length than Tyson so he would keep his distance. Tyson was more powerful, but Lee was faster. Lee attacks might be kicks and or sweeps in which Tyson isn't trained.
But they did measure those of his rival Frank Bruno—who was estimated to land 1,420 pounds of force in the ring.
Lee had punching power of 350 pounds
Wing Chun is still one form of Kung Fu.
MMA is BS because you're talking about following rules in a ring. Soldiers, etc. are fighting for survival, therefore no rules. Big difference!
Bruce Lee loved the art of fighting which is the reason he studied different forms. He could use any of them on Tyson.
"Bruce Lee was trained in and knew several martial arts such as tai chi, wing chun, boxing, judo, wrestling, kali (escrima), taekwondo, and fencing." And karate.
There are blocks. There are also moves in which the blow is rendered powerless by deflecting it away.
Boxers are not taught to defend their balls, knees and shins. Too low. They fight with their hands while martial artists fight with hands, legs, body and any object they have. I haven't mentioned Lee's nunchucks.
Tyson was very fast. But, Lee was still faster.
"Lee had punching power of 350 pounds"
That force in the balls or knee cap is going to take Tyson down. The last place to hit Tyson would be his face since he's used to that and knows how to protect it.
There are moves to avoid being hit which aren't available in boxing. Not movies - I took martial arts for a few years. Real life is nothing like the movies. It's a very quick resolution and less "showy".
It's like The Force. Size doesn't matter. I lifted and threw a man to the ground when I was 7 or 8. Martial arts teaches techniques like that.
You're horrible at this! Someone else was able to convince me in one sentence that Ali would've beaten Tyson.
wing chun is bullshit and on the level of Tai CHi in terms of fighting effectiveness. tai chi is also tecnnically a "martial art". it doesnt mean its a very effective one.
its not BS, i disproved your nonsense and you dont even know what a martial art is. again soldiers are still taught the basics and essentials of these martial arts simialr to any professional MMA fighter.. the difference isnt "there is no rules so you can gouge their eyes!!". you dont seem to understand this at all.
lol okay cool story and yet doesnt change a 100lb difference.
There are blocks. There are also moves in which the blow is rendered powerless by deflecting it away.
Boxers are not taught to defend their balls, knees and shins. Too low. They fight with their hands while martial artists fight with hands, legs, body and any object they have. I haven't mentioned Lee's nunchucks..
Tyson was very fast. But, Lee was still faster.
"Lee had punching power of 350 pounds"
That force in the balls or knee cap is going to take Tyson down. The last place to hit Tyson would be his face since he's used to that and knows how to protect it.
There are moves to avoid being hit which aren't available in boxing. Not movies - I took martial arts for a few years. Real life is nothing like the movies. It's a very quick resolution and less "showy".
It's like The Force. Size doesn't matter. I lifted and threw a man to the ground when I was 7 or 8. Martial arts teaches techniques like that.
You're horrible at this! Someone else was able to convince me in one sentence that Ali would've beaten Tyson.
You don't know the fighting differences in movies, a ring and street.
The ring footage is irrelevant since that's not what Lee would do in a street fight.
thats why i never referenced a movie. while you keep appealing to "movie like" scenarios where Tyson gets one shotted by the insanely fast protaganist who he cant even hit once and ends the fight magically with his single blow!!
the ring footage is relevant because its literally the only footage we have of Lee in an actual non choreographed legitimate match. and again Lee gets hit multiple times by what looks like a mediocre opponent close to his size
meaning your entire "hes so fast he wont get hit!" argument is null.
as is your "One or two blows is enough."
Lee had the chance to take out his opponent in one of two blows like you said he could with tyson. Against someone far closer to his size where Lee could inflict far more damage with say a head kick, compared to the far heavier Tyson.
yet it doesnt happen!! he is faster and yet still gets hit. he is stronger and yet still gets hit.
However, confirmed in Lee’s Biography written by Matthew Polly (2018), Bruce does not have fighting experience in a sanctioned fight. Lee has had few actual fights, and his experience is limited to three recorded fights.
Everybody says I must fight Ali some day.” Bruce said, “I’m studying every move he makes. I’m getting to know how he thinks and moves.” Bruce knew he could never win a fight against Ali. “Look at my hand,” he said. “That’s a little Chinese hand. He’d kill me.”
A ring has nothing to do with street fighting. Tyson would go down if hit in the balls.
Size matters in boxing. That's the reason martial arts is better.
you are hopeless man. you didnt know boxing is martial arts. stop embarrassing yourself here.
size matters in all martial arts. its why there are weight classes in multiple fighting sports you idiot.
Historically, martial arts refers to Eastern fighting styles like Kung Fu, Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Judo, Taekwondo and even African fighting styles like Capoeira. Boxing is just boxing.
Women aren't taught boxing for self-defense against a rapist. They're taught martial arts because size doesn't matter.
you are an idiot
shareYour Ad Hominem = You lost the argument.
sharehahah you got destroyed on our other convo about cultural appropriation so you came here like a bitch to try and score a point. peak patheticness
shareMore of your Ad Hominem = You still lost the argument.
sharewhy did you run away from the cultural approbation convo little bitch?
you keep getting dismantled me. you are like me but worse in every way.
you didnt even know boxing was a martial art.
you think a guy with 3 fights is more experience than tyson with 60
you think weight doesnt mean anything when tyson outweighs lee by 90lbs.
you are an idiot overall.
Yawn. You lost. Go away!
shareyep i lost by proving actual data and facts like weight, punching power, fighting record etc.
while you came up with a kung fu movie scene. in your head.
go on give me one recorded example of Bruce Lee in an actual fight eating a punch as strong as Tyson did multiple times every match? oh right, you cant.
keelai the bitch strikes again!
Yawn. You lost. Go away!
sharehahah i got you stuck repeating yourself. i gave you mental PTSD :) thats how hard i broke you.
you probably have the kung fu bruce lee scene playing in your head 24/7 as you rock back and forth
Woman who fought off her attacker. One kick.
Real life fighting isn't like the movies. I witnessed about 5-6 guys who were going to beat up a guy. A martial artist did a martial arts stance in preparation for fighting them and they all walked away because they knew they'd lose.
Have you ever taken martial arts?
OMG! a vague anecdote about someone else. and not about any of the two people we are talking about.
no one agrees with you. not a single one
"Bolo Yeung Reveals Bruce Lee Real Fight with Enter The Dragon Stuntman"
This is exactly what I wrote days ago. Lee would've kept his distance beyond Tyson's arm reach to avoid being hit. And then use his leg to kick him. "One kick and it was over." I already told you that real street fights don't last long.
Rapists, bullies, muggers and general attackers purposely choose a weaker opponent. They're not expecting a fight. When their "victim" fights back, they tend to back down.
The point of martial arts is to defend yourself against a more powerful opponent.
Have you personally trained in any martial arts?
More interviews with people who worked with him. Listen closely to the last two interviews:
"Can Bruce Lee fight? - Proof offered by Jim Kelly."
This last interview repeats what I wrote. The ring has rules which limit fighting to avoid injury. He explains the difference between the ring and street fighting.
"Bruce Lee VS Pro Fighters: "He could beat us all, We had no chance"
Have you ever taken martial arts?
one of the only footage of Lee actually sparing. wearing a hemlet and chest padding, but hes going to take hits from tyson in a street brawl???
also Lee engages in strikes, not just kicks. and gets hit multiple times by this no name opponents strikes. but magically hes going to dodge one of the best, fastest and strongest fighters strikes in the world?
That's not street fighting. It's a competition between martial artists with RULES to AVOID INJURY.
Tyson's blow could be lethal which is the reason Lee's defense would need to be deadly, also. No rules. Attack vulnerable areas to inflict serious injury or death.
(Poor Tyson. I actually like the guy. But, I believe martial arts trumps boxing.)
and? what type of epic damage is Lee doing in a street fight instead?
also your argument was about his speed and agility and ability to not get hit once. yet here you have a video of his very average opponent, hitting Lee multiple times. and Tyson is very much anything but an average opponent.
again you are watching too many kung fu movies where some 5 finger touch of death will win the fight and Lee is the protagonist of the film that is so superior he doesn't get hit once. boxing IS A MARTIAL ART. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD.
Tyson bit an ear off because he knew he'd lose. He wasn't invincible.
You're calling "Rocky" a martial arts movie?
Martial arts trumps boxing.
omg you mean someone isnt invincible and lost a fight?? it msut mean bruce lee can beat him!! and everything i said doesn't matter. what a dumb statement.
"Rocky" isn't a martial arts movie.
Weren't most of Tyson's competitors weak fighters? The rare time he's in the ring with someone who can fight, he panicked and bit the guy's ear off.
Interesting article about Ali and Tyson:
Top 10 Heavyweights:
1. Muhammad Ali
2. Joe Louis
3. Lennox Lewis
4. Rocky Marciano
5. George Foreman
6. Joe Frazier
7. Larry Holmes
8. Jack Dempsey
9. Sonny Liston
10. Jack Johnson
No Mike Tyson.
"Tyson was undefeated, and untested, as he only fought journeyman fighters. Mike Tyson is not a top 10 heavyweight. He killed the fighters he was suppose to beat, but when he fought another elite fighter, he always lost."
you are hopeless. tyson doesnt have to be the top heavyweight to beat lee.
shareTyson basically fought men who couldn't fight. LOL!
shareand lee fought no one!. LOL idiot
shareNeither do women who receive martial arts training which they use successfully for self-defense.
sharemost womens self defence is based around Krav Maga. which bruce lee DIDNT KNOW.
you are topic changing because you are an idiot.
tyson fought plenty of people who could fight. Bruce lee fought no one.
you lost. just too much of a bitch to admit it.
His combination was fierce, brut force Peek-a-boo. I might have made landed one or two once but not now. Nothing that would put a dent into him. I met him once at Cus D'Amato's gym in Catskill, NY. Hes very short but built like a tank. Great balance.
shareIn this match, you are allowed to pull his trunks down as a distraction.
shareHe'll no!
I'm just hoping his momma raised him to never hit anyone wearing glasses.