MovieChat Forums > Mike Tyson Discussion > Mike Tyson Beats Up Man Who Was Harassin...

Mike Tyson Beats Up Man Who Was Harassing Him on a Plane in Wild Video

looks staged


Ugh! The guy looks like your typical frat boy or douchebag that thinks he's better than anyone or eggs people on. I'm siding with Tyson on this. At first I thought his genetics kicked in again (violent past) but this isn't the case. That white boy deserve to get his ass handed. Seems Tyson has managed his anger mostly these days.


Now the douchebag is filing a lawsuit against Tyson. This was probably his plan all along and Mike took the bait. I side with Tyson to. This douche more than deserved his beating,


Didn't see the video, but whether some online idiots,
the kind of online idiots who use terms like douchebags,
the kind of online idiots who probably only know how to spell the word because that is their formal occupation,
the kind of online idiots that think that, someone physically assaulted, for any reason aside from deadly threat,
that someone attacked in public by what are considered by law to be deadly weapons,
does not deserve to sue if damaged,
not only are they wrong, and a hater of the rule of law, but they poison if not called out for it.

Rule of Law demands when anyone including Tyson breaks the law, they be liable for damages, pain and suffering and maybe a more in proportion to the convicted's political and economic power in order to significantly punish, in this case Mike Tyson, to show him no one is above the law, and diminish him in the public eye, instead of defending the indefensible.

The things Tyson has done that even I, not a follower of news about Mike Tyson, know shows that he is far worse than a douchebag, and that those who think he is cool or defend him are at the very least, douchebags themselves.




You sound like the kind of smug, smart-mouthed douchebag who needs to get slapped around a bit.


Your tendency to go off on people you don't know, did not bother to understand
and have no civil argumentative rebuttal to, and call for violence make you a criminal creep.


I read on twitter that he threw a water bottle at him at one point.


That little punk deserved much more. What an asshole!


Unhinged off the wall jackass. And Mike Tyson of all people?


Absolutely. Looked like the guy was trying to get a reaction out of Tyson probably so he could file a lawsuit.


i thought it looked strange.


This moron should be grateful that Tyson showed enough restraint not to turn his face into ground hamburger.


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face" ~ Iron Mike Tyson


More like, everybody has a PLANE until they get punched in the face!


That was bad.


It would have gone over better with a rimshot..


It's still illegal to punch people in the face for being dickheads, it's only legal to punch them in the face for self-defense.

So, since Tyson is famous and his victim was provoking him, I'm predicting a guilty sentence... with community service as the only punishment.


Judge should fine Mike Tyson $1 and be done with it. The guy seems like a real piece of shit with a lovely criminal history including fraud, grand theft, burglary, possession of controlled substances and trafficking in stolen property.


Oh, it'll be pleasant community service, like making anti-punching TV ads, or visiting a few schools to talk about how to handle conflict without violence, stuff that'll get him a bit of press and make him look good. It won't be a slap on the wrist, more of a friendly pat.

No mopping up old folks' homes for the likes of Mike Tyson, not when the public is on his side!


why he messn with mike on 420
