
How she behaved on the Huckabees set, no matter what the director was doing or was not doing (his behavior was just as, if not more, atrocious), shows her to have been highly unprofessional, not only back to him, but also to her co-workers, particularly when she told Dustin Hoffman and Naomi Watts to f uck off. How uncomfortable she made them all with her childish, unending tirade. This is rather curious given her sterling reputation as a consummate professional to this point. I saw the videos of her meltdowns, and they were utterly embarrassing and disgusting. I wonder, is this the onset of senility, or are we being exposed to her characteristic prima donna behavior that has merely never been publicized before??


"No way was her behavior justified. She was acting like a diva on a power trip and I'll never watch anything she's in again."

Don't be rediculous, just because in real life you don't think she's that great it dosen't mean she can't act. What if she is cast into a film which will go down as one of the greatest ever? You really care so much about her personal behaviour on one film (which may have been provoked), regardless of her acting ability, that you would never see anything she was in again no matter how good the movie is?

I personally was more shocked by the director calling her a cu *nt and throwing the stuff off the desk anyway.
