I am a property manager in Santa Barbara, and the painter for my building did work at her house in Montecito. He struck up a conversation with her son and she interrupted, saying, "you don't talk to little people!". She is a bitch to the extreme.
It's really not fair to judge someone on just one encounter, be they in the entertainment business or a "regular person". Especially, when it's a second-hand story, which often gets "enhanced" with each retelling or as time goes by. If I picked out just one selective encounter or observation, I could call her a bitch, too. But, I observed a very nice side of her 99% of the years that I was around the Dr. Quinn set. I know for a fact that she is very good to her fans, as I've seen it firsthand. Everybody has their moments, but for some reason people love to tear down celebrities for not being perfect all of the time. And, before you tear into me, I do realize there are some famous people that truly are jerks. I have seen that for sure, not to name any names.
“Anecdotal” is called “hearsay” in a court of law, and is not admissible as evidence in a trail. If it were also not admitted on the internet, there would be about 4 posts here. That would be a very good thing.
This is the problem with actors today, and successful entertainers, or really anyone. They usually get that way because they appeal to the public in some way, and then they mix with more rich people and start to conspire against everyone else. I wish Americans would rally against Hollywood and the entertainment industry, Las Vegas, etc. They are usually dreadful people, and if they don't seem like it, they have a PR industry working non-stop to make sure we think they are wonderful. Like doctors or lawyers ... when have you ever seen a doctor, lawyer or police that was anything like they are presented to us all our lives on the TV screen?