MovieChat Forums > Katey Sagal Discussion > Katie, your politics Suck

Katie, your politics Suck

So beautiful, so pretty, and a great actress. but when you went on the Roseanne Roast, you blew it for me by roasting Romney's Wife. Really?
Don't you realize that when you do that, you alienate your fans. And although i will continue to watch Futurama, I'm glad i don't have to look at you anymore. I just see you as a Hateful person now. So like all the other Hollywood dumb braindead morons, ... well.. your just one of them. I roll my eyes now when i see you on tv and think to myself.. lord, another Lefty LIb Hollywierdo.

God, please don't turn out as bad as Roseanne.


You are right in saying this... and I think someone needs to say what I'm going to say. It's common sense.

The "right" these days sadly consists of pinhead morons like the OP. That, and religious, teabagger extreme conservative dinosaurs.

That being said, the term "Republican" has been dragged through the mud. The Republican party (through it's own doing) has aligned itself with the most ignorant, hateful, intolerant hypocrites I've yet to see.

Now I need to stop, because the response to this is going to be the exact person I just described. Someone that makes assumptions, and thinks that I must be some commie left-wing socialist.

I'm not.

The left has been spineless and useless.

I just wish people had open minds and thought with their brains, and not like they are playing a fantasy football league, and have to talk smack about the latest sack or catch, and instead look at the big picture... the "league" if you will.

S--t, I'm out of analogies. If some dolt wants to make a political argument about Romney and his whole billionaire, not-giving-a-crap about the US, butthurt because Obama won again, let her/he. Most of us see the big picture, as you seem to.

Signed, an atheist, fiscally conservative, socially liberal pastafarian.
