

Of course. More liberal hypocrisy. "It's only a joke" when a liberal condones the murder of the US president by holding up a bloody prop of his head. But "it's not a joke" when the president boasts about grabbing women by the pussy a decade prior to his run. Unreal.


Who can put "joke" and "liberal" in the same sentence anyway? They are the most humorless breed out there!!!


Shut up, purple jerk. You aren't remotely funny. You are just a stupid dunderhead who makes idiotic liberal cracks. So immature and so played out. Grow a brain.


I wasn't trying to be "remotely funny" at all. As I wrote, the "humorless breed", i.e., liberals, don't see ANYthing funny when you disagree with them. You folks don't "get" humor.

And wowza, "purple jerk"," dunderhead", well golly gee whiz... that must be straight out of the leftard handbook of moronic insults! Very "clever". I guess that's the vocabulary of folks who have a sixth grade education.

However I DO agree about one thing you posted! 'idiotic' and 'liberal' DO belong in the same sentence!!! LOL STILL bored at work? ha ha!


Humor? HUMOR? You wouldn't know humor if it was disguised as pervert Bill O'Reilly and it shoved a falafel up your stupid ass.



Despite what you wrote on another post, you ARE one angry, sad, little human being, 24/7!

Just "Bored at work"? So where DO you work? From the tone of your childish ranting and name calling, I'm guessing a lemonade stand! LOL


If you visit my stand for a drink, I will water it down and double the price.


Wouldn't your boss be upset with you? Cheating your customers? Guess not if it's a libtard lemonade stand! LOL SO VERY typical of the way liberal government works. People who actually PAY their way get half the goods at double the price. If I paid with food stamps or was a crybaby illegal, you'd give me twice what I paid for (and throw in Obamacare as a bonus). Speaking of Obamacare , you SHOULD look into it. I am sure it would pay for your anti-psychotic meds!


It was a joke, dumb-dumb.


Well you know us rabid right wingers have NO sense of humor, don't you? LOL

Ya gotta work harder at being funny! But okay , a joke, if you say so!

And I believe the insult is spelled "dum dum".

Let's see, can't spell, can't make a funny joke...must be a big fan of Kathy Griffin!


its lemonaid


He isn't but you are. I can tell.


lolz at deleted


Haha I wish I could like this.


ZERO hypocrisy. A comedienne makes a bad decision, gets fired despite apologizing and moronic conservatives, THE SAME EFFING ONES WHO DEFEND SEXUAL ABUSERS AND WHO NEVER APOLOGIZE, continue to cry about a freaking photograph. IT'S OVER, DUMBASSES! Meanwhile, pervert Roger Ailes (good riddance) and scumbag Bill O'Reilly are paid tens of millions of dollars and were only EVENTUALLY fired because of sponsorship pullout. It's always about filthy, dirty money with conservatives. ALWAYS. And stupid dunderhead supporters continue to suck their disgusting asses. Well I've had enough of it and so has the rest of the sane world. You will LOSE the next election and I will REJOICE!


That's rich. Wasn't it liberal Hollywood Darlings like Meryl Streep that champion for women's rights and feminist causes who also signed a petition pardoning Roman Polanski for his rape of a minor? Again, liberal hypocrisy. Sexual assault when it's joked about by a conservative equals rape culture, but if you happen to make good movies, it can slide.


Polanski, believe it or not, went to jail for 42 days and has lived the past 40 years not being able to enter the United States. So basically he has been punished for over 40 years for having sex with a non-virgin party girl. She was a girl who had already engaged is sexual intercourse and who had already taken drugs before meeting Polanski. She didn't protest the sex, was a willing participant and the reason why anybody found out about it was that her mother overheard her bragging about it to a girlfriend on the phone.

Meanwhile, Trump has been accused of effing a 13-year old girl at a child sex party thrown by one of his close friends. The girl, who is now a woman, received death threats from Trump supporters like YOU and dropped the case because it wasn't worth dying over. But you don't care about that. You rewarded the self-professed pussy-grabber by making him the most powerful man in the world. You are a hypocrite who is truly sick.


If you're a minor, YOU AREN'T WILLING! Are you HEARING yourself right now? Case in point. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. Crime is ok as long as you're on the right side of politics. Then all is forgiven. You make me sick to my stomach.


But it's OK when Trump (or O'Reilly or Ailes) assaults or rapes. Got it.



Yup, that's it in a nutshell.


Just heard that CNN fired her.


Just heard that CNN fired her.


I'm tired of these big mouth celebrities (on both sides), in their Ivory Towers and Gated Communities pretending to speak for the "common" man and woman.

It's been proven over and over: No one CARES what they think.

Maybe Griffin is an example -- and maybe now some of them will shut up.



Notice how CNN didn't waste any time or make excuses? They were the same with Donna Brazile. Meanwhile, FOX draws out firing their multiple sexual abuse felons, pays them millions and then spend hours making all of the idiots on their "news" programs say glowing things about them. Give it a rest, you fools. Spineless, gelatinous fools, all of you. Go rot.




Spineless, gelatinous fools, all of you. Go rot.

You're obviously an idiot, so I'll waste no more time with you.

I hope you enjoy kissing Griffin's smelly ass.

That's all. Goodbye.


Go eff yourself. You are roundly despised by the smart American community.


Well that leaves you out of the American community Kat.


I'm a member of the genius American community so in a way, you are right.


As if.


I never saw such a sensitive bunch of whiners. Sad.

Actually Kewl_Kat, the Dems are doing everything I HATED about the Republicans. I guess it depends on which side is the poor loser.

They're mean-spirited, whiners, negative, bitter. BOTH sides are more interested in finding dirt on the other and getting "their own" way, than they are in the business of the country and the needs of the people.

The truth be told, both sides are pretty DISGUSTING. But, is it necessary to sink to the childish, depths of a cretin like Griffin?

I think not. Have a little class; just a little.



I agree, I've never liked Kathy Griffin, I think she went a bit too far even though I hate Trump. I'm pretty middle of the road so I don't like either party now. Conservatives have been taken over by religious fanatics, gun nuts, bigots and homophobes and liberals have been taken over by radical feminists and politically correct social justice warriors.


Ugh. Why is everything black and white with morons like you? There is mostly grey between the two extremes. Stop demonizing everybody as extremists. Most of us are rational moderates who think Trump is a mentally ill buffoon.


Right you are Gubbio. Both Establishment parties in the US have proven their worthlessness to anyone but the financial oligarchy and the military-intelligence apparatus. The favorite game of sore loser Clintonbots is to bash Trump at every available opportunity because this is heavily endorsed by the corporate media. This passes as "left" in America. Meanwhile, the bullshit War on Terror continues unabated regardless which party is in power.




I agree. I'm not American and I can't stand Trump, but this is not a joke. I don't care which side of the spectrum you fall under, depictions of violence against a public figure shouldn't be tolerated. I am totally fine with making fun of politicians, calling them out on policy, and personal views. I am just fine with investigating politicians. Murder isn't a joke, no matter who is at the brunt of it.


She apologized and then she was fired. What the hell do you want now? Man, people complain about EVERYTHING. Why are you people so effing annoying? You dolts are NEVER happy about ANYTHING. You would think she just murdered your child or something. Gain perspective on things. Dummies!


What type of people are "you people"? You are just as bad as Trump, calling people "dummies". I don't want anything more from her, I am glad she apologized, but it doesn't change the fact that "jokes" like this shouldn't be tolerated.

All I'm trying to say is that this isn't a right or left issue. This was a joke that shouldn't have been. We had a case where I live where a local gun range used a picture of our Premier as target practice. You might think it's all in good fun, but normalizing that type of behaviour doesn't help anything and could be considered a threat. If ISIS posted a picture like that would you consider it a joke? I would hope not. But we as humans need to be better.


It wasn't "tolerated." She was roundly criticized and then FIRED within, not weeks, not days but HOURS after posting the pic, despite apologizing. WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT??


I don't want anything other than people not to make jokes about killing people.


Maybe you'll get your wish someday. Until then, accept apologies and subsequent firings and stop whining so much.


I'm sorry, but I don't see anything in what I wrote that could be considered whining. Personally I think that if you are going to put yourself out there and take risks then be willing to face the consequences. Some of the outrage may be a little overboard, but it's coming from all sides, not just conservatives. I also think that as society the more divisive we are and blaming the "other side" for everything nothing will change. Being able to have a conversation with those who disagree with us without stooping to name calling, and insults would be a place to start.


she made a joke, she apologized, she STILL got fired, you are still not satisfied: whining.


Where did I say anywhere that I wasn't satisfied with the outcome? All I have said is that these types of jokes shouldn't be tolerated. Her joke wasn't and I hope that in the future other jokes like this won't be made. I also said to stop making this a partisan topic. I still don't see where I have said that anything more should be done about Kathy's joke or that the consequences weren't sufficient.


Where did I say anywhere that I wasn't satisfied with the outcome?

Throughout this entire thread. You keep repeating that her joke wasn't funny. Who ever said it was? She was criticized, she apologized and she was fired. You continue to scold and reprimand like nothing was done about. In true Trumpian fashion, you are being extremely weird. Your posts are the definition of beating a dead horse.


If I repeated myself it's because after my first comment you insulted me by calling me a dolt and a dummy. So I thought that perhaps I needed to reiterate that I didn't think that this type of rhetoric helped the situation. You then implied that I wasn't satisfied with the outcome. So I responded to clarify that I didn't want anything else. I still see no where in any of my comments where I say that I wanted more punishment. You then told me I was whining. So I responded again, hoping to clarify that which I do not think that you are comprehending. I am not understanding how any of what I have said is in 'true Trumpian fashion'. Looking at some of the other comments where you have called people a myriad of insults, I think you are the one emulating Trump. Apparently you like to be confrontational, so I'm done.


so I'm done.



Whining is the only thing Kat can do. That's his whole life sslssg.


Give it a rest, Gubbio. The Dems own up to their mistakes. They apologize and they quickly fire the guilty party. Directly OPPOSITE of what hypocrite conservatives do.


you mean like mocking a disabled reporter, because you are afraid to answer his question? that kinda low?


Dude. How do you think James foleys family felt seeing that. All she proved is that what we suspected is correct. The liberals deep down are empathetic with the terrorists. When they say things like all we need is to love each other and no borders, it's because they relate to the sickness. And it's a huge reason why they lost across all parts of government. Hillary was even too hawkish for them.


Shut up you lunatic. Stop believing lies. So embarrassing!


What lies do I need to stop believing? That obama didn't call Isis JV? While I was watching them mass murder people on YouTube? That he didn't go play golf the day James foley was beheaded to the world? Keep living in your fantasy. Trump is a million times better at foreign policy. Obama had nearly made an enemy with el Sisi in Egypt for gods sake. Hillary wanted to shoot down Russian pilots. Sorry if that infringes on some idea you have about immigration or public school or something. The president's sole job is foreign policy. Read the constitution.

Images the world hasn't seen since ww2 and obama couldn't even figure out what to call them. Mass graves dug and a bullet to he back of every villagers head and obama couldn't figure out what to call them. He had to send Biden up to fake some emotion. And this comedian perfectly illustrates what liberals don't understand.


ISIS is JV. All they can do is run out some mentally ill lunatic with a suicide vest or a machine gun. That is the definition of JV. Trump has already surpassed Obama in golf time after he told America he would never, ever golf as president. Liar! Hypocrisy!

If you notice, stupid hypocritical Trump also avoided using derogatory terms about Muslims while in Saudi Arabia. The same as Bush and the same as Obama. Know why? So we don't offend the Muslims who are on our side fighting terror. We all know who the terrorists are, you idiot. Also, Trump scolded Michelle Obama in a tweet for not covering her head with a scarf back when she was in Saudi Arabia and then hypocritically trots out his wife and daughter with no scarves covering their fool heads. Come on, stop watching and reading propaganda. You are embarrassing yourself BADLY today.


Wow. Illustrated


Illustrate this, bitch.


Hahaha! Awesome! What are you ten? 11? I'm reminded of Benicia del toro in fear and loathing buying the pie at the diner with a knife in his hands. That scene explains what I think of your stupid politics. You want the money? Yeah. You want the money.


No I am 18. But it looks like this thread got deleted.


have you ever posted about a movie here on moviechat.org?


If u r talking to me, yes. Of course. Also TV shows. You can look at my history and see many examples. What a ridiculous question. You must be a dopey Trump supporter.


i don't want to look at your post history, kewl


Judging by OP's posts he's clearly autistic or a troll or maybe both.

I dont even know why people bother arguing with him/her?


On imdb, kitty claims to be a "nubile girl" in college!


But no one knows what he/she really is IRL

For all we know she could be a hairy sweating 60 years old man who wears panties.


For all we know she could be a hairy sweating 60 years old man who wears panties.

You wish. Wow, you message board people sure have freaky fantasies. Whatever. I'm kewl with whatever gets u off. It's not my business.


OK. I'm not going to force you.


thank you for understanding my position


You're welcome.
