
Funny how the hate for this guy is so deep, that a lot of folks on here came to his side of IMDb, just to trash him. This guy is nowhere near as bad as some of you. You hate the man for political views, a joke he said on snl, and saying a lot of things in his life revolving around race? Well, if haven't noticed being black in the USA isn't easy because race always plays a factor, not with everyone, but too many. Ignorance is why a lot of you are mad, because you don't, and don't want to understand where he's coming from. Plus, he's an actor stick to his acting. There are actors and actresses with beliefs I disagree with, but I watch them to see them ACT. I don't take life lessons from these people. Nor do most people. But to be turned off by someone, and be so ignorant as to try and turn off others and throw around blatant bs just to convert people to your way of thinking, is beyond lame.


Sounds more like Reagan is talking about fully automatic guns which should only be used by police and military. I don't know what the conservative view on fully auto guns is they may not even be legal. We never hear any talk about them only semi auto's.
