MovieChat Forums > Jamie Foxx Discussion > Can someone give me one good reason why ...

Can someone give me one good reason why he's hated?

I haven't watched one interview with him, and haven't watched a whole lot of movies of him. I didn't even watch his Oscar winning role. I think he did good as Electro, really good. I also think he seems he'll do great in Annie. I have heard a lot of bad stuff about him lately. I'm not saying you're wrong or anything. I just want to hear a trustworthy reason. What he say or do? Someone who has watched multiple interviews and films of him. I'm just curious.


black people can't be racist. and why do you have a problem with slave owners getting killed?

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


1. He can't act - ruined both Django and Law Abiding Citizen (he's like a walking picture, no expression)
2. Dumb hairline
3. Save vein as Will Smith - only takes roles that is his twisted little mind he thinks they make him look cool, and pretty much they were both pretty funny at one moment and now they lost it.
