Why Bother Casting Her?
I haven't seen many movies starring Jessica Biel, but as I look through the list I don't see a single hit.
American audiences mostly see movies starring movie stars. It's one thing to say you don't like an actress, her performance or appearance, but when she repeatedly fails to deliver a blockbuster you have to wonder how she keeps getting work. For example Lindsay Lohan is in her own mess and gets a made-for-TV movie despite being the lead in Mean Girls, which by itself outweighs Biel's entire filmography. Kristen Stewart, as untalented as she obviously is, stars in movies that make big money.
Jessica Biel doesn't have a cult of fans. She doesn't have awards. She rarely gets cast as a lead. There is no logical explanation behind Biel getting the amount of work that she does. For Jessica to remain "famous" for this long one would have assumed her marriage to Timberlake has been going on for the past 10 years.
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