MovieChat Forums > Mariska Hargitay Discussion > Walk of Fame standards

Walk of Fame standards

One Emmy One Golden Globe No People's Choice or SAG especially the year 2006 you win Emmy.On one of the longest running shows because of the franchise and your various hairstyles each year, and yet you too can receive a star on the Walk of Fame. Like Jim Parsons and Kaley Cuoco on ensemble shows to me if the show is good hard to pick out just one stand alone cast member. Reports she makes almost $500,000 a year now. I believe that's the reason they chose to keep her on over Meloni. Still sad that sometimes mediocrity is rewarded. And let's not even hide your head under the sand and not see RACE as a contributing factor as well.


The OP's making the same kind of multicultural lockout charge against SVU and Hargitay that was made later (and much more effectively) against the 2016 Oscars.

He's trying to make the same point about audiences not choosing SVU that critics of the Oscars did about Academy Award contenders not reflecting box office sales. Trouble is, he's using the People's Choice Awards instead of direct audience stats and saying SVU didn't win a PCA. Consumer-courting award shows don't equal box office sales, nor are they necessarily less rigged than other award shows. But even if they did and were, that argument was the weakest part of an otherwise good case against bias at the Oscars. The point of most awards is to reflect excellence as it's perceived by critics, people in the industry and even moviegoers, not to merely reflect how many people *saw* the films. Besides, if audiences were always right about excellence, then every box office hit would also be a lastingly great film.

The OP's also trying to say that Hargitay's being honored *and kept on the show* because she's white. Trouble is, he's also making the argument that biased network people chose Hargitay over *Meloni* for that reason. In a word: Huh?

Both actors are white, and the one who was "favored" is a woman. If OP's making a serious charge against bias in network television, then logically he should have been glad Hargitay was "chosen" over Meloni, who is not only white but male.

All in all, it's a completely lame and off-kilter attempt to attack SVU by making senseless use of familiar arguments that can be constructive when the example is well chosen and the person making the argument has actually thought it through.

The OP simply should have gone to IMDB's SVU page and posted that there weren't enough black, Asian and Latino/a lead actors on the show. That's not the most relevant point to make *after* a show has already had a fifteen-year run, and the case could be made that SVU *did* try to be inclusive, but at least his argument would have made sense.
