MovieChat Forums > Carl Weathers Discussion > Arrested Development

Arrested Development

Isn't anyone watching this show? It's so great how willing he is to poke fun at himself. Casting him was pure genius!!

"Baby, I got a stew going!"


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It was great how they introduced him in his role in predator with him yelling when he loses his arm. I was laughin pretty hard.


I've always liked Carl, I hope they have more of him on Arrested Development. What an awesome show.



The best part about his character is that he's horribly cheap and takes advantage of any situation he can to turn a quick buck.. yet he's playing himself. It's gold!

A trick is something a whore turns for money... or cocaine.


In an article on, Mitch Hurwitz said that Carl wanted to play a character, not himself, but then asked if he could play himself as a really cheap guy. So the writers all decided to make him cheaper and cheaper. So good!


So it was HIS idea? Even more brilliant!


Apparently the writers took it as a challenge and said to themselves (paraphrasing, of course...), "You wanna be cheap? We'll make you cheap alright".


I think he's so cool in that part. I love it!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What are you doing? There's still plenty of meat left on that bone. Listen, you take this home, boil it for a couple of hours, throw in some herbs and a few potatoes... baby, you got yourself a soup!"

What I adore is the expression on his face, as though he's just divulged the secret answer to all of life's great mysteries.
