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Rachel Ward says young starlets must go nude to be successful - 14.Jun.2009

Naked ambition ... Rachel Ward says she regrets not appearing nude on film more often.

IT may be a double standard, but actress and film-maker Rachel Ward says young starlets just have to accept that audiences have a right to see them - but not men - naked.

After refusing to bare more than her breasts throughout her career, Ward says she now wishes she had appeared fully nude more often.

"If you're going to be an actress in film, you can't be coy," Ward told The Sunday Telegraph.

"Breasts are sexy. I want to see them and audiences want to see them . . . I've certainly had to do my fair share of it. If you're going to be an actress or a model, it's usually part of the package."

Men don't have to worry about the issue though because, well, their privates don't make pleasant viewing, she says.

"We don't want to see willies because they're ugly," Ward says.

"We want to see breasts because they're beautiful."

Ward says she has never appeared fully nude in three decades working in film and television, adding that it was "a constant battle with directors" over taking all her clothes off.

But now, at 51, a candid Ward said: "I wish I had. I was just a prudish English girl and I wish I had been less prudish about it really."


Clearly that isn't true. Sounds like she has other issues.


One doesn't have a clue of how much nudity she did.

What I do recall is the first time I saw her....

"Sharkey's Machine"

She was beautiful. Then came....

"The Thorn Birds" and "Against All Odds"

Lovely in both.

I next saw her in some straight to video 90s movie. She still looked ok, but not as stunning.

By the 2000s - she was fair at best. Some actresses can pull off aging and still do well.

Apparently Rachel couldn't.


I just meant other people are successful without doing it.


Yes exactly. 100% agreed.

Rachel's contention a young actress has to go nude to succeed is nonsense.

In Rachel's case, as I said, I think the problem is she wasn't a good enough actress.

As her looks faded, so did the roles.


Breasts are sexy. I want to see them and audiences want to see them...

We want to see breasts because they're beautiful.

There's a reason they've been front and centre of so much marketing over the years.
