MovieChat Forums > Ally Walker Discussion > What happened to Ally´s career after Pro...

What happened to Ally´s career after Profiler ?

I know , she married and got 3 kids . But other actresses have also big families and manage to have a career . Don´t get me wrong , I love Ally Walker , she´s my fave and I admire her a lot , especially in her role as Sam Waters in Profiler .
But after Walker left the show , she always hinted her move to the big screen ....and now I don´t even see her on the small screen . Only now and then she pops up ( for a short time ) and disappears again .
It´s strange , that after Profiler her career took such a low profile . Sad , because she´s such a fine actress .


This is something most people don't get they're on a set about 14 hours a day, it's not a conducive life style for a marriage, and it's one of the reason most Hollywood marriage fail, some of these actors marry several times. I always thought she wanted to leave, I never heard any of these rumors, 5 years is a decent amount of time to put in on a show and with residuals from syndication, an actor can have some decent checks coming in for awhile.

I think the reason your seeing actors return to the small screen is now it's not only syndication, but DVD and streaming media which is something most actors who did shows before those means of distribution existed don't make any money on the work they did that streamed or put on DVD. If you can put in a few appearances on a television series and have a continuous stream of money coming in, unlike movie that sale on DVD's they don't always put them up as fast for streaming.

She looks pretty sexy on Son's of Anarchy.

Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.
