MovieChat Forums > Robert Wagner Discussion > Can they re-examine her body?

Can they re-examine her body?

It's not a stupid question. I know she died in 1981 but they have various methods to REALLY go over what they SHOULD have gone over in 1981. Do you think they might exhume her?

Unless she was cremated. I have no idea of that fact.


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to discover what? The body is decomposed. What would they find, a fractured bone? That doesn't indicate guilt.


I just bought this weeks National Enquirer. The paramedic on duty gave SOME interview. It's all about Robert Wagner and what he responded when asked: "Why did you wait so long to ask for a rescue?" Robert Wagner responded:

"Well, that might have proven embarrassing, because she might have been fooling around on someone else's boat. SHE'S DONE THAT BEFORE".

Good grief


I saw the article.
You have to remember that unsolved deaths are more common than not. They will never be able to prove it. And maybe Wood did cheat like Robert says,who knows.


So True!!!!


However, if she did see the men having sex and freaked,that does not therefore mean the men turned into killers. Not everybody has the capacity to murder.


The coroner failed to scrape under her fingernails, if she scratched one of the men the DNA will be there, if she scratched the dinghy the rubber will be there, if she had sex the DNA will be there. The lack of evidence is what is stalling the reinvestigation. The evidence they need to bring this circus to an end is 6 foot under, investigators are well aware of that. They also need to search the woods where her body was found.
