He is not 5'7

Sorry, I don't know who keeps "updating" his height. It was 5'4 1/2 which I think is accurate. Then someone changed it to 5'6, now 5'7. I can understand being insecure with a 5'4 height if you are a man. But I hate when the truth is not published. I have seen too many celebrity lies. There is no way he is 5'7 based on what I have seen on tv and I doubt he has grown since then. Pat Richardson is 5'7 and Jon is not as tall as her in Season 8 of Home Improvement, Jon was almost 18 then. And isn't Kaley of 8 Simple Rules 5'7 and Jon was not as tall as her.


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He is 5'6" which is the average height of a male.



I don't really think he is 5'6 either, but I guess it's possible. Is that the average height of a male? Well, honestly, if it is, I think males of different ethnicities than Jon are shorter. But this is all my opinion based on what I have seen, I haven't done research on it. But several people on different websites (a few years ago, no one really talks about him now) have commented saying that Jon is short, I just never thought he was of average male height.


Well, it looks different if you show the statisics just in the US. But on average, 5'9 is considerably short for the population.

I'm not 100% sure that he is 5'6 but from what I've seen I doubt he is much shorter.
He has had bit parts in 8 simple rules and Kaley Cuoco who plays Bridget is 5'7. I watched one of the episodes online where she is wearing small heels and she is only marginally taller than him. So, I'm guessing he really isn't as short as we were all lead to believe.



Jon could have been wearing shoes that made him look taller too. I have seen men with shoes that do that. And he is from the US, why wouldn't he be compared to US statistics? Just based on my everyday experience, other ethnicities than Jon's are shorter on average, that includes for men and women. I am not 100% sure what height he is either, I don't think it is publicly known for 100% sure. It's just my opinion.


I highly doubt he was wearing some kind of platform shoe to make him seem taller though.



Maybe if he is insecure about his height he would. He was an actor, trying to make a comeback at that time. Look at his Advocate cover, he is wearing some type of shoe on there that I think gives height. I would think actors do that type of thing, while working they are trying to portray an image, right? Actors (male) wear makeup etc. I'm not saying he was wearing a shoe like that but I'm saying it's possible.
