Jon and his father, Steve, going fishing
I have a theory about why Jon developed such an obsession with fishing. He had other interests and things that he liked, but fishing was the biggest one. I think that even though he loved to go fishing before, an obsession with it really developed in the 90s.
I have read in an interview from Jonathan, that is was Steve who used to take Jon fishing, it was a thing he had with his father, before his parents divorce. I think it was a subconscious thing with Jon, that he wanted to go fishing, at least in part, because he really missed his father. And if you are doing an activity that you once did with a certain person, it can make you feel closer to that person if you continue to do that activity. So, Jon may have wanted to go fishing a lot because he wanted to be close to his dad, and that was a way he could feel like he was.
I have a degree in Psychology. We have been talking about what happened between Steve and Claudine, and Steves relationship with Jon and Joel, in the thread So, whats he doing now? and so I have been thinking about Jon this week. By the way, that is an interesting thread, you should read it if you get the chance and have an interest in Jon.
Anyway, if you have read his interviews from the 90s, you know he was obsessed with going fishing. I mean, he really was. He frequently talked about it. I always wondered why he loved fishing so much. So, this is just a theory I developed about it, based on what I have read, but I really dont have enough information about Jon to know for sure. I just thought it was interesting, so I wanted to share it. If Jon ever reads this board, it would be an interesting thing for him to think about, if he hasnt already. Because he said in an interview, that he has no idea why he got bit by the fishing bug. And people have commented before that it is weird that Jon loved to go fishing, yet he was a vegetarian and proclaimed to love animals. And having a degree and interest in Psychology, I like to try to figure out behavior.