JTT coming out!

I was watching a show on E! Celebrity Confidential or something like that. And it said that Jonathan Taylor Thomas was gay. I couldnt believe it. It said it finally came out in like 2000. That's when he finally told everyone. Did anyone know about this?


I've read people's comments on the way Jonathan dresses, or talks or his tan and all sorts of things that make people think that he is gay.

There are ways for people to "suggest homosexuality" besides those ways you mentioned. I think those things like working in a nail salon if you're gay and wearing a sweater around your neck rarely happen and are way over the top, like how it would be in a comedy movie or something. Were you trying to be over the top or funny?

I just think Jonathan is a good guy who denies being gay so I'm going to believe him. And I think people should stop ridiculing him about his sexuality. It's been going on for like 10 years! It must have devastated him.

What makes you think that Jonathan (he doesn't like being called JTT) is VERY secure? I'm curious because I almost never hear people say that, I would love to know what you think.
