MovieChat Forums > Howard Stern Discussion > Stern interviewed President Biden Friday...

Stern interviewed President Biden Friday morning, April 26, 2024.

In a surprise show, Howard Stern interviewed President Biden this morning. For those who like Biden and have read about his personal and professional history, it was nothing new. But for listeners who do not know Biden very well (or did not like him), hopefully, it gave them a fresh take on the kind of guy Joe is.

Even if people don't subscribe to Sirius, I hope they will seek out this interview on YouTube and other streaming services. It was an enjoyable hour.


Nah, he's still the same Joe Biden and sort of surprised he made it past his handlers to even go on a show like this??


Stern is the most establishment pansy there is, he has jumped right in line and is even safer than a Kimmel for a softball interview. Not to mention if a bum interviewed him under a bridge he'd have a bigger audience at this point.


Yep - it's interesting. Do these creeps still think Stern is some sort of anti-establishment figure?
Even when he was banned from mainstream radio back in the day, it was because he was essentially pushing the social decay that has now been normalized in the US.

The most hilarious bit is when he starts listing Biden's 'accomplishments'. Looks like Biden's handlers are paying well.


Howard should get some hammas terrorist on his show, they would love dealing with his ilk.


"It was an enjoyable hour."

No surprise there, Howard is one of the best interviewers in the business...




That's a Jimmy Kimmel level move where you spit in the face of the audience that made you famous.


Howard's going in for surgery to have his nose removed from Biden's ass.


I don't look at it like that, nyctc7. I believe Howard when he says he is fearful that our very democracy hangs in the balance of this election. Howard is a patriot. I think both Howard and President Biden are smart enough to know that no election is a sure thing. Hillary Clinton thought that she would handily win the presidency in 2016, and she was wrong. Though President Biden beat Trump in 2020, Biden is not making the same mistake of underestimating Trump and the amount of people that may vote for him in November.

While Howard's intent was not to kiss Biden's ass, he recognized that the task he undertook would require some degree of ass-kissing. He wanted to portray Joe Biden in the best possible light to the greatest amount of people (voters). He did that. If he looked like a sycophant in the process, that can be forgiven if the greater good is accomplished and Biden serves a second term in office.


Biden's not serving a 2nd Term, Stern ass kissing interview or not.. America is done with the Policies of this Administration everything right down to Immigration and this utter bullshit of allowing biological males to use women's locker rooms and restrooms where there are no more boundaries for biological females.. The man is done in November and the American people won't stand for this shit any longer


When it comes down to it the American people would rather have too lenient a policy on immigration than the alternative where parents get separated from their children and people are locked in cages at the border. Playing the Trans card is a desperate political tactic. It is conservative fear-mongering, attempting to make voters think that an issue that actually affects very few people is turning the whole country into Sodom and Gomorrah.


Really, more than anything, I think people are sick of the daily Trump nonsense. They're tired of him nightly in their living rooms.


As opposed to seeing Biden in everyone's living room of a night time?? See?? How can do this dick measuring contest all night as well


If you don't see a big difference that goes far beyond politics, you're beyond my ability to explain it to ya.


Actually, I'm thinking YOU'RE the one who's missing the big difference because no matter what, the American people have finally started to wake up and seeing just what kind of Democrat Party this is, especially with these dumb, go nowhere trials the tax payers $$$$$ is being wasted on and all because you simply don't want Trump to run and win and he will too


Actually not the case. The trials are stimulating the economy, especially all the extra media coverage and resulting advertising dollars spent that come back to the government in taxes. Studies going back as far as the Clinton impeachment trial show this to be the case.


Stern is a racist


I will check it out, thank you for the headsup.

It sounds interesting, I hope it's also entertaining, Stern usually is.
