Black Tar Heroin

Heroína de alquitrán negro. Tom Sizemore started doing Black Tar as early as 1992/93 and keep going for years. He was a functional Black Tar addict.
Heat, Natural Born Killers, Striking Distance, Strange Days all shot while he was high on Tar.
He was forced to get clean for Saving Private Ryan. This lasted into Enemy of the State where he had gained considerably weigh as he substituted food for Tar.
He relapsed before filing Bringing Out the Dead and the rest is history.
He has been doing Tar for 30 years.


so he never got clean.


Heroin is the DEVIL.

I'm so glad that even in my experimental phase I didn't go there. Someone was honest with me about it beforehand instead of that 'just say no' shit, told me that it would make me feel so good that nothing in my life would ever compare. That I'd spend the rest of my life wanting it just so I could feel good again.

Friends that used heroin are gone now, all of them. It's brutal. When they weren't high they were depressed and miserable.


With TS in heaven hopefully he will not keep getting arrested there! RIP

Hope you had a few great tar highs


Which kind of heroin is good for you?
I wanna do only that one.


The one grown in Afghanistan is deemed the most “healthy”


Meaning that it will kill you in 3 months instead of 2?
No, I want the one that is good for me.
The OP makes it sounds like this black tar is the problem, not the mere fact it's heroin.


Mexican black tar is deemed low quality junk compared to the afghan stuff! Black tar is so much easier to obtain here I’m the US. Never tried it. Never will!


The vax got him in the end!
