Wrote a script about a female lead but says he can’t direct it?
He said he wrote a script for a movie called R.N. that features his first female protagonist because he wanted to “do a film about female sexual irresponsibility, mainly behavior that just causes trouble.” It includes explicit sex and masterbation scenes.
He likes his script but now thinks he shouldn’t direct it because he’s “an old male” out of his depth. He wants Elisabeth Moss to star and direct instead.
Is he fucking serious?
First off, if he can write the screenplay— which is the foundation of the entire film and it’s characters — he can damn well direct it.
Second, if Moss directs, she’s still a woman directing something about a woman written by a man. Having a woman direct it won’t magically make the script more “understanding” of women everywhere.
Finally, no one — I mean NO ONE — wants to see Moss playing a character involved in explicit sex and masterbation scenes. No one!
Look, I can see having Moss directing in today’s hyper sensitive social landmine of a world may be good marketing, but cast an attractive young woman as the lead. Otherwise you’ve immediately lost your massive potential male audience.