I don't get it...

Isn't the Muslim Brotherhood considered a good organization by the Left and don't libertine fools say humans originated from apes (rolling my eyes)? So what's the problem?

Also, Bill Mahar blatantly equated Trump to an orangutan on his show with comparative photos. So, for the sake of comedy, he can equate a white person to an ape, but Roseanne can't equate a Persian woman to an ape without getting fired?

In short: If you're a liberal you can get away with these kinds of jokes, but if you're even a little bit conservative you can't. It's a hypocritical double standard.


Don't be stupid ... black people have a history of white degradation
and to compare an ape to a black person if a major ugly offense.
You just do not get the dynamic of punching up, versus punching
down in ridicule ... you do not punch down on a person or group
that has been historically abused. But listening to the way you
talk, you don't care about anything but trying to justify your
Nazi hate.


The dynamic is one rich person, a political minority, insulting another rich person, a political status quo.

Only the studio is punching down, by taking the show away from the audience.

I also don't think this has to do with historical oppression. For example the roles have reversed in South Africa and yet the blacks are still performing poorly and protected as victims. This situation is different. It is more like how we are not supposed to take advantage of the mentally retarded. We have a racism of low expectations for blacks which is very condescending. That is also why we overcompensate with praise and celebration for them. Many blacks notice that it is a phony effort by white guilt liberals.
