MovieChat Forums > Chris Rock Discussion > HarveyManFredSin is a Foreign National T...

HarveyManFredSin is a Foreign National Troll Pot Stirring About US Culture Again

I just wanted to warn new posters about this person.

He is a disinfo troll who isn't from the United States but keeps talking with authority about American politics, culture and history as if he were an insider. He's on the Chris Rock forum because what a lot of these trolls do is hunt and peck for specific flashpoints to stir division.

He's not in a position to pontificate about Chris Rock or any other American public figure or hotbed political issue, for that matter. He is not from the United States, so has no idea whether people have an issue with him or not. It's just a pretext to drop talking points he was either handed by way of script or he came up with himself.

I'll be posting this whenever he rears his head. And if there are any Americans here, I suggest you start documenting this site and the many dubious types posting here.


You'll find the reason for lots of off topic discussion on this site is very likely due to the relaxed and even-handed moderation here. There's nothing stopping people from still discussing whatever movies they want to while the off topic discussion happens too, it's not like they are mutually exclusive. Trolls and gimmick accounts do not stop anyone from discussing movies with other people who also want to discuss movies.
