Actually surprised he hasnt won an oscar
I just always assumed he had, dunnno why, maybe its because of his performance in primal fear and american history X
shareI just always assumed he had, dunnno why, maybe its because of his performance in primal fear and american history X
shareThe fact that he lost out to Roberto Benigni is an embarrassment and a travesty.
My vote history:
Both him and Tom Hanks who was the favorite. All the result of corrupt Harvey Weinstein campaigning in Hollywood.
I don't think Hanks was ever considered in the running that year, and Norton's nomination, while richly deserved, was considered a surprise. Until Benigni won the SAG award, I remember Ian McKellen named as most likely winner, with Nick Nolte as spoiler.
I'd rank them, from best downwards, as Norton - McKellen - Nolte - Hanks - Benigni
His best performances occurred when he was young. He was too fresh-faced when he got nominated for Primal Fear and American History X. He should’ve been nominated for 25th Hour
The Academy figured he would keep making Oscar-worthy films his whole career, giving them plenty of time to give him a win. The Academy likes to wait until people are “due”