MovieChat Forums > Mary Tyler Moore Discussion > Was Mary replaced between DVD and MTM Sh...

Was Mary replaced between DVD and MTM Show?

There is a rumor that Mary Tyler Moore of Dick Van Dyke was a different woman from the MTM of the MTM show. If you notice how she does look a bit different. People don't age that much between 20s and 30 something, but its something else. Maybe her face shape and everything. Does anyone know for certain?

If they did replace her with someone else, whoever did it did a great job of getting her voice and mannerisms down. I think another reason people believe she is an imposter is that there are hardly any childhood photos of the real MTM. The girl in the Hot Point commercial is light years from Mary Richards.


You've got to be kidding, indeed same woman. In between the shows she had a miscarriage discovered her blood sugar was so high she should have been dead. I'm sure that affected her in many ways. Anyways as people get older they change.


Are you INSANE???????

OF COURSE it's the same woman!!!! My God, this is one of the absolute DUMBEST speculations I've EVER READ.


I think that must one of the strangest speculations I have ever heard, certainly worth a good chuckle.
On the other hand I agree Mary aged faster than most stars. The last time I saw her was with Betty White on that awful show Hot in Cleveland. Moore looked ghastly, apparently unable to even stand up. Kim Novak took quite a grilling for showing up at The Oscars at 81 looking bad, but she looks 10 younger than MTM.


The OP's point is a funny one, because we used to comment way back in the day how different Mary looked and seemed in the mere four years between the DVD and MTM shows.

Part of it, no doubt, was the health situation she had beginning in the late '60s with the Type 1 diabetes. That ages a person. Also, the cultural changes that went on in the half-decade between the two shows were more pronounced than most 5-year period in America offer. And that changes a person, too.

And Mary was one of these people who could tap into both that crisp, Jackie Kennedy vibe in the early-'60s, and then regroup for the melancholy, grown-up, post-hippy thing of the '70s (and miss the late-'60s hippy vibe in between) convincingly.

Also, if you look at Season 5 of DICK VAN DYKE, you can see way more of early-Mary Richards in late-Laura Petrie's look and demeanor: Mary is already drifting into another mode in her screen presence, and the final year of DVD catches it briefly.

Likewise, we had a hard time believing that the Linda Evans from BIG VALLEY, girlish and late-'60s-showgirl gorgeous and one-note in her performance, was the same person named "Linda Evans" when DYNASTY first started in the '80s, as she'd now become calm and wise and soulful and (for a while) a better actress --- but once DYNASTY rambled on, and the scripting and other things got worse and worse and worse, Evans performance as Krystle deteriorated into a shrill and squeaky middle-aged Audra Barkley, thus verifying she had been the same actress after all.

So it's not about reptilian shapeshifters anymore --- that's so 2012.

It's about perspective. It's about choices. It's about empowerment.

Do you understand???


The most profound of sin is tragedy unremembered.


People don't know that she actually was replaced by an imposter. It was Paul McCartney.


LMAO. You mean Paul isn't dead after all?


If they did replace her with someone else...Who is this mysterious "they"?
I think another reason people believe she is an imposterOther than you I haven't encountered a single person who subscribes to this ludicrous idea.


They are out there, the same crowd who swear that Elvis is still alive. Marilyn Monroe never died and is imprisoned somewhere, the loonies.
