MovieChat Forums > Jenna Jameson Discussion > Circumcised performers

Circumcised performers

There are more of them than uncut ones. How come they can still get it up since removing the foreskin takes away a lot of nerves and sensation from the penis?


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That makes absolutely no sense.


How come they can still get it up since removing the foreskin takes away a lot of nerves and sensation from the penis?

Lol, what?? You really don't know anything about circumcision or penises do you?

dies ist meine unterschrift


OP sounds as if he has no experience with or even book knowledge about sex, but has just heard anti-circumcision propaganda.

If you are not circumcised, you don't know what the sensations of a circumcised penis feel like.
If you are circumcised, you don't know what the sensations of an uncircumcised penis feel like.
So, it's impossible for anyone to state with any authority what the other side feels.

I can state from decades of first-hand experience with a circumcised penis that it delivers more than enough sensation, as much as I can endure. I wouldn't want any more.


There are people who can state with authority...ever hear of adult circumcision?


Bruce Lee would have been able to tell you, he didn't get it done until adulthood.


That’s a really good point. 😆


I take it your high school didn't cover human sexuality?


I don’t think it’s that normal. Hopefully it isn’t. A man needs his foreskin. Very few have lasting medical complications that affect urination.


The percentage in the US is really high. The hospitals sell the foreskins and use them for cosmetics and medical treatments. Jews and Muslims do circumcision for religious purposes. I personally think circumcision should be outlawed but it's a big business. Everybody protests about female circumcision but not many care about male circumcisions. I've tried persuading a few women to not circumcise their male babies but most women think foreskins are ugly.


Many people are against circumcision. Foreskin is not ugly; it’s necessary.

Why does a male baby’s private parts have to look good?

Female GM is cutting the inner labia and clitoris. The outer labia would be more comparable to foreskin. It’s grisly either way.


"Foreskin is not ugly; it’s necessary."

Necessary for what?


protects sensitive parts


It may be preferable but necessary is a bit of a stretch.


There are a lot of nerves in the foreskin that make sex more enjoyable for men so I think the man should decide whether he wants to be mutilated later in life. I'm mad that selling foreskins is quite profitable and I don't think the doctors are telling parents that they are selling them. ** good medical info ** guy regrets mutilation ** guy committed suicide after mutilation and global data


FGM is so popular and accepted that women pay to have it done on themselves


It’s disturbing
