MovieChat Forums > Seth Green Discussion > This dude is paid!

This dude is paid!

This dude has to be filthy rich. He's been in Family Guy for 12 years now, and as we all know from the Simpson's Clan, you're paid for long running animated shows like that. The dude also has the success of Robot Chicken, voicing several big animated movies, the occasional comedy, the small parts in the Austin Powers movies, etc.

Dude probably pays someone to go to the bathroom for him!


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My thoughts exactamundo. No wonder he chose the American colour of money for surname... Oops, I just checked and that's his real name.


I'm sure they threw money at him for the Austin Powers sequels.

I have a new philosophy. I'm only going to dread one day at a time.


Is that alot for an actor?

If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0


He probably gets awesome royalties for the re-runs and dvds etc of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


He deserves every bit he gets, the guy has been working his ass off both on and off the camera for decades now.


Quite right. Funny & versatile. A hard workin' talted MoFo.
Loved "Radio Days" & "G the B"
