Bobcat Goldthwait on "cancel culture"
I actually don't believe there is a "cancel culture." It just reminds me of like in the 80s when a shock jock would get fined by the FCC or get in trouble with management or a sponsor. They would say, "I'm getting killed by the man," and then that person's fans would rally behind them, and they would end up making millions of dollars.share
When people use the term cancel culture, it's just a way of people marginalizing marginalized groups, and it gives permission to their audience to feel like they're the victim. No one's freedom of speech is being taken away. All these millionaires are going to keep on making millions of dollars.
If it boils down to a millionaire and a major corporation versus people who are being murdered and have a high rate of suicide, which side do you think I'm going to be on? I'm going to be on the side of marginalized people. I've always considered myself an outsider, you know?