Why isn't he a star?

For my money, one of the best actors out there. Ever since MDs, which was severely underrated, I've watched anything he's in, even when it's not so good otherwise (Invasion). He's always captivating. and believable.

If we all liked the same movie, there would only be one movie!


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I couldn't agree with you more. I loved MD's and thought it was highly underrated. Clearly ABC DIDN't get behind the show and give it the exposure it deserved.

As for Mr. Fichtner, I couldn't agree with you more. He's incredibly talented. His performances are nuanced, organic, and he can slip into any inhabit anything he's given the opportunity to do. He's certainly versatile, from Mona's dimwit husband, to a sociopathic killer.

I've been following him since I was in high, when he was on As the World Turns and I'm now 61. I knew then that he was not long for daytime drama. I've seen just about everything he's done
and own. He still never ceases to amaze me and I'm still waiting for him him to become s household name, even though it will probably be mispronounced.


I agree. William elevates the quality of any production he's associated with.

I think I first noticed him in Go! where he was one of the standout performances. He also had a decent role in Armageddon and he made a really creepy villain in The Lone Ranger.

Just yesterday I noticed he was the narrator on an ESPN 30 for 30 about my beloved early-90s 4-time-Super-Bowl-reaching-and-losing Buffalo Bills. It took away some of the sting of re-visiting that heartbreak.


4th. Totally underrated, I'd watch him in anything.


I don't think he is underrated. He pretty much always gets good reviews, he works steadily and has for close to 30 years. He does everything--blockbusters, micro-budget indies, sitcoms, dramas and is employable enough that he does roles that he likes and doesn't have to take roles he doesn't like. If he is not a DiCaprio-level name, he nonetheless has had and continues to have a career that most actors can only aspire to. I think the gentleman has the career that he wants.


He may not be a household name, but he is one of the gifted actors who prompts frequent comments like, "I watched (name of show or movie) because he is in it."

~If you go through enough doors, sooner or later you're gonna find a dog on the other side.~🐕


You answered your own question. He is so good at disappearing into a role that people forget that he acted in a production


I was just thinking this. Today truly is the golden ago of tv tho as you can see Stars in big budget movies and shows on tv. Just watched him on shooter today and ID2 last week


Who the hell said Bill is not a star? He IS a star! Those of us who know who he is as an actor love him. Is he a BIG star? No. I suspect that more people know his face than know his name; but I also (strongly) suspect that, when they see his face, they think and feel, "Oh, THIS guy. This guy's good. I like this guy. This is going to be good." Like Ed Harris, a much bigger name but not necessarily talent, than Bill, he has never given a bad performance. He walked into Ultraviolet, a movie so bad that, were it a hamburger, it would consist of microwaved dog shit and make a Big Mac taste like Kobe beef, and somehow made the dog shit tolerable. He walked into the first scene of The Dark Knight and gave the movie the foundation to achieve Escape Velocity. In Drive Angry, he was the analog to Peter Greene's rhythm guitar in relation to Keith Richard's lead guitar (The Rolling Stones) in his relation to Nick Cage; that movie would have sucked without him playing The Accountant. Cage would have imploded in bombast without the measured discipline and dry wit that Bill brought to his role that literally supported Cage.

The guy IS a star.
