Has she been officially diagnosed as schizo?
She could have delusional disorder, which often develops later in life (and commonly in those that live alone) and has symptoms of extreme paranoid delusions. Just a thought.
shareShe could have delusional disorder, which often develops later in life (and commonly in those that live alone) and has symptoms of extreme paranoid delusions. Just a thought.
shareYou are ignorant and uninformed of psychiatric terminology ("delusional disorder"), and apathetic of the human condition with your word "schizo". Just a thought.
(and if you officially had a mind of your own, you would cease your annoying threads coped from the data-a-lounge site, as you commonly do)
Then what is wrong with Shelley Duvall then since I'm so ignorant and uninformed? She as her appearance on Dr. Phil clearly demonstrated, isn't well. If I asked if Shelley Duvall was bipolar, but I said "BP" or "bi" instead of the full word, what does mean that I'm still as you call it, apathetic?
shareI guess you should have called her "sanity-challenged".
shareI did not say you are "wrong" about her being schizophrenic. I am referring to your phrasing. And BP, as trivial sounding as it is, is not quite as crude-sounding like asking if someone is "schizo". What, in a rush, can't spell the entire word? It's not a trivial matter.
shareYou're being overly sensitive and defensive here. You're more upset with my phrasing and how "politically incorrect" in your mind, sounds, instead of directly addressing the question. You did say that she may suffer from the more technical term of "delusional disorder" but you spent the majority of your time blasting me for saying schizo instead of the full word. You therefore, just took what I said totally out of context, because my tiny bit of phrasing offended you.
shareWhy the fuck are you asking us what her "official" medical condition is?