MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Admitted rapist ... belongs in prison

Admitted rapist ... belongs in prison

American justice is great, but it exists only on TV, like health care, education and all the rest.

American exceptionalism ... justice, except for the rich and famous.


He never admitted rape. That's just part of the usual fake news.


I does amaze me how many people keep repeating this false statement. I ask myself 'did ANYONE actually follow this case?'


Perhaps you can share something demonstrating that he admitted to raping someone?


I was agreeing with Kukuxu. I get annoyed when people keep saying he admitted rape when he never said anything of the sort.


Then I suppose we all agree. I've seen nothing that indicates he ever admitted to any wrongdoing.


You're scum.
"In his testimony, Cosby admitted to casual sex involving recreational use of the sedative-hypnotic methaqualone (Quaaludes) with a series of young women, and he acknowledged that his dispensing the prescription drug was illegal.[13][14][15]"

"Bill Cosby admitted to getting Quaaludes to give to women"

"Bill Cosby, in Deposition, Said Drugs and Fame Helped Him Seduce Women"


Quaaludes were the party drug of the 70s and 80s. women wanted them and men got them. sorry; "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" was a real thing. He admitting obtaining them for this purpose; he didn't admit to raping them; he claims in was consensual. The women changed their story 30 years after the fact. All of those quotes you posted could be from any dozen of celebrities of that time.

And just to add; whether or not he actually did do it or not doesn't change the fact that the justice system went against the rules to get Cosby and ultimately lost the gamble. I'm pretty sure they knew they would lose on appeal but had to strike while the iron was hot.


"When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women you wanted to have sex with?"



Still doesn't indicate rape. It indicates he got the Quaaludes for party purposes. Women asked for them and he supplied or he supplied them and women took them.


^^^this. Like a drug dealer on the streets.


or guys supplying alcohol at a party.


^^^this. Like a drug dealer on the streets.

The problem there is that you enter the 'damn if you do, damn if you don't' territory.

The guy brings the drugs? he's like a drug dealer on the streets. The guy doesn't bring the drugs? then he's making her buy her own drugs, oh! then he's cheap and rude, as opposed to a gentleman who would pay for the drugs.


LOL. That's not admitting to rape.


He gave women drugs specifically with the intent of having sex with them. Not rape, LOL. "bUt in The 8os..." Fuck outta here.


When Cosby was asked did he ever slip any drugs into women's drink without their knowledge. He answered No. That was also in the deposition... So no he never admitted to drugging or raping anyone.


Exactly. They media and many people fail to realize this.


You can lob insults at me, but all I said is I have not heard him admit to raping anyone. He admitted that he gave Quaaludes to women and slept with some of them, but that's not an admission to raping anyone. How many men have bought a drink for a woman they hoped to sleep with? Do you think any time those two people end up sleeping together the man raped her? I don't. I understand that humans have, since the discovery of drugs and alcohol, used drugs and alcohol recreationally, and that usage lowers one's inhibitions, and often ends up in two people having sex who would not have had sex sober. That's not rape, that's being human.

If he snuck drugs into someone's drink without her knowledge, or if he had sex with an unconscious, or clearly too-drink woman, or did anything that was not clearly consensual, that's a whole other thing, and maybe he did. My only comment was that he never, to my knowledge, admitted to anything of the sort.


Quaaludes were the party drug of the 70s and 80s. women wanted them and men got them. sorry; "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" was a real thing.


And it wasn't just a thing. It was a great thing. Provided people are adults and consensual, drugs, sex and some good music in the background is one of the best experiences you can have in life. Sadly banned in modern western world because of this woke neo-religion or puritans.

I'd rather choose Folk other than Rock, though- The right sentence should have been "sex, drugs and folk music" 😁


He never admitted rape!


PLEASE feel free to leave!


Brux, you're an admitted douchebag, but we still tolerate you.




Dumb trolls just trying to get a reaction. Cosby admitted to rape, that is the whole reason he was in prison.

Cosby was convicted on three felony counts of aggravated indecent assault in 2018 of drugging and assaulting Andrea Constand in 2004, and was serving a three- to 10-year sentence. He has served nearly three years of the sentence. The state Supreme Court said Cosby cannot be retried on the same charges.

That he is out and walking around now shows not his innocence, which he admitted, but the special way the rich and famous are treated in our supposedly equal legal system.

And by the way his blindness and handicaps seems to have miraculously disappeared.


He was convicted using evidence that never should have been used. That being the deposition where he admitted to obtaining Quaaludes for women he wanted to have sex with (he never said he raped them) and the 4-5 extra witnesses the prosecutor had to prove prior bad acts; even though these prior acts were never reported, criminally charged, or convicted. It's a little too late but luckily the Supreme Court saw through the blatant mishandling of justice and overturned the ruling. Along with all of that, add in a biased judge who refused to recuse himself despite having many connections to the case and the case never should have went to trial in the first place. The prosecutor and Judge should face punishment for how this whole thing went down.


> He was convicted using evidence that never should have been used.

That's debatable, but what is not debatable is that he is guilty. I am sure rapists will love you ... Hope they don't love you too hard now.


That's debatable, but what is not debatable is that he is guilty.

1. Cosby never admitted anything more than giving drugs under their consent.

2. The accusers could provide no evidence other than their accusations.

3. What's more: the accusers couldn't even provide evidence of having expressed their accusations in the past. Several accusers, and none of them tried to press charges back then, recorded a testimony or talked with family and friends about the topic.


Then having sex with them ... that's called rape.
A lot of the accusers talked to police, friends and psychologists.

You trolls will pick any topic and if there is a scum baggy way to discuss it ... bingo, there you are.


A lot of the accusers talked to police, friends and psychologists.

Sure... once the witch hunt was started. But I repeat what I said: "the accusers couldn't even provide evidence of having expressed their accusations in the past

Then having sex with them ... that's called rape.

So mixing drugs and sex is called rape. Fine. What could go wrong, huh?

Maybe we should put several generations in jail. I should go to jail too, btw. And the chicks who had sex with me should go to jail too, because I used drugs too, so I guess I couldn't consent. Everyone should go to jail, unless they were virgins in a basement!! That's the logical consequence, isn't it?

But that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems that it only applies to Cosby. And, what the odds? there was a strong political motivation involved.

I recommend this comment from cyguration:
A this one:

From his whole generation, it only applied to Cosby. How convenient.


> So mixing drugs and sex is rape. Fine.

Well, if that is how you think no wonder you don't know shit.


They're not trolls, they are bad people. Some people really side with this scumbag.




What racists call other people to hide their own racism.


guess you dont like black people...
