Nice guy?
Have you heard?
Bill Cosby.share
You read that correctly.
Thanks to the excellent memory afforded to me by autism, I have rather good recall of the events in question.
When I was six years old, I worked with him during a parade and commercial shoot event where they unveiled the new blue Jell-O. “Jell-O! J-E-L-L-Oooo generation two-thousand” sung to the tune of the Banana Boat song will forever be etched into my memory. The paper fruit masks we had to wear around our faces were SO uncomfortable that I refused to wear mine and kept taking it off (I was an apple).
Anyway, Cosby was horrible to a bunch of six- and seven-year-olds who were there to do nothing but look cute, sing cute songs, and generally make him look better. When we got there, he refused to interact with us, and we were given very snappish and explicit instructions not to approach him at all, unless he came over to greet us personally. He never did, of course.
When it came time for the commercial spot and ad shoot, he picked out the three black kids from the group, totally ignored all the other kids, and did not speak a word to the three kids he did pick until it came time to turn the cameras on, at which point he put on the fatherly persona we all knew from TV. It was like watching someone put on a literal mask.
He made the black kids extremely uncomfortable, to the point that one of them refused to eat Jell-O, and made our teacher chaperone, a young woman just out of college, cry, by simply being rude and mean to her and to us. This was supposed to have been an amazing opportunity for us all, but the only good thing I have to say about it all is that at least they gave us extra blue Jell-O to cheer us up and keep us occupied.
You have to be a truly awful person to treat little kids so terribly that they hate the memory of you twenty-five years later.
Did he really say the one thing you should never say? He really said that?!
Hopefully those kids were given medical attention.
"There, look! My bird is flying! And look over there! Mike's picking his nose."