No My Girl 3

In case y'all didn't know, an article about what happened to My Girl 3 came out last night. That film ended up scrapped not only because the second movie didn't do well, but the actress who played Vada didn't feel comfortable with her role.


With all these late sequels nowadays, why not bring in My Girl 3? Would be a great 90s set movie, full Gen X vibe.


Set in the '90s? So you wouldn't bring back the original cast?


2000s would be boring, but everyone from the old cast still could play a "just" 20 year older version. For a 2000s My Girl I would expect a lame version of "Remember Me" or "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close", nothing I am interested in.


Because Anna Chlumsky has said she would have no interest in doing it. She also said she gets sick of being asked about something that she did when she was 10. Frankly, who can blame her. Its hard to branch out and do other roles if your just cementing yourself in something that you get associated with as the same as the cast of The Brady Bunch.


Sure, I totally respect that. But as she is still active in acting and not super succesful, this sounded quite logical to me. But yes, full respect to say a clear no to it and sell out, same as for now with Back to the future.


I remember the first movie being a critical and box office hit, moreso than Home Alone yet when you measure today's nostalgia scale, Home Alone always tips the scales in its own favor by a mile, especially between November and January of every year. It's nauseating tbh.

I rarely read, hear, or see My Girl discussed by anyone on social media, and the fact that TikTok isn't talking about is a good indicator.
