MovieChat Forums > Javier Bardem Discussion > Javier Bardem,....i am in lust for you,....

Javier Bardem,....i am in lust for you,....

Ok,....this may get erased, and i might even get banned, but Javier Bardem ,..omg,..i want to do wildly erotic things to your body,.......( was that too much?) He is so sexy, I just saw Pray Eat Love,....and in that movie, you would ONLY have to ask me one time, and i would ride this man all the way back to the United States! ( I think that was too much) Im sorry for offending anyone. I just had to get it out. ::::::::::sits down and fans self::::::

Thank you,.......I think


Funniest original post I've seen on these boards so far... and (sad to say) the only message string worth reading! Amandabom really knows how to have "the last word" . . . memorably 😊

Thanks for the laugh!
