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Kate Winslet Now Regrets Working With Woody Allen and Roman Polanski: ‘What the F– Was I Doing?’

she is full of crap


Meh her career is on decline, she is mostly doing voice work and is also starting in TV series with not much lined up coming up. She peaked already.


She's pushing fifty, of course she's peaked by now!

She's actually doing really well for a woman of her age, still finding leading roles. That's great for a a middle-aged actress, most American actresses of her age have given up on Hollywood and found something else to do.


The way Hollyweird still reveres Polanski, I would think she would praise him instead of damning him if she was looking to sustain her career.


She made a great film with Polanski. She doesn't need to make another one with him, especially as MeToo has *finally* cancelled him, after several decades where he was still getting the funding to make big-budget movies with A-list casts, despite his RAPE of Samantha Geimer being public knowledge.

Let's be honest for a moment. She did the easiest thing possible. She took the money, raised her career profile, and is only *now* showing 'regret'. What's the point? What she's doing is easy. She suffered no consequences for her decisions, and is, in fact, now going to reap the benefits of being on the 'right side' of the argument (albeit only in hindsight)

Typical Hollywood hypocrisy. Say and do whatever is convenient for one's career at the right time. Pathetic. 😠


'Typical Hollywood hypocrisy. Say and do whatever is convenient for one's career at the right time. Pathetic.'



I mean no crime is more egregious than starring in Titanic!






There is a big F-ing difference between Roman Polansky and Woody Allen.


She doesn't care. If she did she wouldn't have made films with either of them at the time, only to 'change her mind' a few years later. Clearly she hasn't thought things through. Clearly she's only saying what is now expedient for her career and profile, just as starring in a Polanski and Allen film was expedient for her career, *at the time*.

But I agree, there is a big difference, and I'm tired of these two individuals being conflated.

I don't know for a fact whether Allen is innocent of abuse, but I DO know he's not been charged and convicted of anything, and that in view of these facts, he merits being treated as innocent by the rest of society.


I started out years and years ago basically cancelling Woody, even though he was one of my favorites. Since them having been exposed to the evidence and the facts over the years this is one of those things that makes no sense. The more I read the more Woody's side is the only side that makes sense. There must be some cabal with enough power and animus towards Woody Allen or love for Mia Farrow that they keep this going year after year, decade after decade.

I does seem though that Woody played around with and manipulated quite a few women, young women, in his life. Public-wise, at least one does not regret it, and one he is still married to?


"I does seem though that Woody played around with and manipulated quite a few women, young women, in his life. Public-wise, at least one does not regret it, and one he is still married to?"

Can you rephrase this? It's not clear.

I haven't read of any serious allegations concerning Allen *apart from* the obviously *very serious* one made by Dylan Farrow. I think there was something about him having an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old, but I can't be certain. However, despite all the myths about him 'grooming his adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn,' she was never his adopted daughter, and it appears that their relationship was entirely legit/non-exploitative (i.e. occurred when Soon-Yi was an adult, albeit a very young adult), irrespective of what thinks of the large age-gap, and Allen's betrayal of Mia Farrow (neither of which I particularly approve of, but neither of which is illegal, or even a de facto display of 'exploitation').


First, did I say anything was illegal, or actionable? I'm on Woody's side on this, but there is another side that to me is not dismissable just because Mia Farrow's hunger for revenge has taken over her life.

There were several stories about a woman/girl that Woody "dated", with full knowledge of her parents, but she was underage I believe. She talked about Woody getting her to have sex with multiple partners, including Mia Farrow. It's fuzzy from memory, but borderline.

For Soon-Yi, I suspect that they were involved before Soon-Yi was of legal age. It's splitting hairs in my view, though it could have turned out very different and very ugly. What difference does a few days, or a few month, or even years make. The child abuse laws, I think, were to prevent adults from having sex with children and all that might entail - abuse.

I don't think it is abuse for a not yet of age women to decide for herself that she wants to have sex. When I was a kid both I and the girls I knew at the time were very curious and horny about sex. So the difference is in the age, but it is really age? Or is it something else? No one understands it, no one can define it, and if they could no one could agree on it, so we make this law that just makes the whole thing illegal, a crime, and that works - but for those cases that either never come to light or that are arguable.

Seems most men are happy to hunt in the legal hunting zone, so to speak, but there are the outliers, situations that are nauanced, and in this area are not likely to be provable. In these cases, even with #MeToo I do think the woman gets to decide what her experience was - as a warning to men to think of the future.

The whole subject is ripe for scientific or sociological study, but I would be very careful about messing up real people's lives.


" I do think the woman gets to decide what her experience was". Hence decades later women can "decide" they were "raped" and ruin the lives of many innocent men. Everyone knows Mia and Dylan are liars. I think Bill Maher puts it best:


And she is wrong to compare Allen to Polanski. Polanski was proven to have drugged and raped a child. Nothing has been proven against Allen.

Also, I hate actors doing some of their best work with certain filmmakers, only to turn around a few years later and join the bandwagon, and say "I shouldn't have done that."

Too fucking late now. Why didn't you make the 'right' decision at the time? You were an adult FFS!


“I would sometimes walk into the room and [go along with directions] even if it was a little thing, like the director saying, “We’d like to have you two over there in the corner by the window because the light’s good,” yet the [setup] made my character look more feminine or look more lusted after or something,” she said. “[It should have been] me walking into the room and saying, “Hang on. No, I don’t want to sit in the fucking window. That’s stupid, stereotypical, make-the-woman-look-good-by-the-fucking-nice-flattering-light shit. I don’t want to do that. Can we find an alternative?”

Uh, ya, sorry the director wanted you and the scene to look good. What an idiot.


Film is a visual medium; it's not rocket science.


She's a clown. She knew full well about the controversies surrounding them she just didn't give a fuck because they're two of the finest directors of all time.

She made movies with them in 2011 and 2017! She just said all this because it was fashionable due to #MeToo.

I'm glad Rebecca Hall cucked her!


