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I just read this article and was furious! She's broke? Look at all the movies she's done? Where's her money going? I've never been what one might call a fan of hers, nor did I have any feelings for her either way, but this is reprehensible. For as long as I live, if I see her name in a list of credits, I plan to stay away from that movie.

What a hypocrite! I guess it's no surprise her dad was there with her while she abandoned these puppies. Looks like you raised a winner there, huh dad?


Just another case of a bitch and her pups seperated at eight weeks.


My second thought on all of this was something similar to yours... However, why did she allow indiscriminate breeding of her dog is she wasn't prepared to face the responsibility of taking care of the puppies? Why didn't she spay her dog BEFORE this happened?

Wow, what an awful person she is.


You can also spay AFTER they're pregnant, and there is also a Mismate shot, an "abortion shot"

What a horrible person.


She is a typical hypocritical Hollywood narcissist = do as I say, not as I do.


yeah because aborting the babies of another being because you didn't prevent the parents from mating in the first place is way more humane than dropping them off at a shelter where they could have possible future homes. yeah that Dominique Swain is SUUUUCH a horrrible person!
