Got Metoo'd

no one is safe from cancelation.


Nor should they be




Cancellation is wrong and is a form of serious abuse.


Losing a job is not the same thing as the silent treatment.

I can think of several higher profiled individuals who have been "cancelled" who have shared their story more than their accusers. Recently Frank Langella. I know his side, I don't know her's.


Being fired for inappropriate behavior is what should be happening. No one is stopping anyone else from hiring him, but this kind of behavior needs to be rooted out. This is not even the first instance that he's been publically accused of this kind of behavior.


In 2018, Savage was also accused of harassment and assault on the set of the 2015 Fox series “The Grinder” by a former costumer designer. After an investigation, producers at 20th Century Fox Television said they found no evidence of wrongdoing on Savage’s part.

Savage had previously been accused of sexual misconduct on the set of the original “Wonder Years” series in 1993, along with his co-star Jason Hervey. A costume designer accused the two of verbal and physical harassment, which the two actors denied.

“When we shot the series finale … nobody knew whether or not ‘The Wonder Years’ was going to be renewed,” Mills told Yahoo in 2018. “And that’s because of a completely ridiculous sexual harassment suit that was going on against Fred Savage — who is, like, the least offensive, most wonderful, sweet human being that ever walked the face of the Earth.”

an accusation these days is a death nail and ruins careers and lives. men are considered instantly guilty first even though there is no proof or investigation.


He's had multiple accusations. Bill Murray and Frank Langella have recently had production shut down due to accusations. Investigations were done and they were treated accordingly.

It's not a death knell, it's merely people (mainly men) facing consequences for their actions.


they were accusations and none have gone to trial. they are all settled out of court for money.

an accusation from a woman against a man is considered to be the truth. and a man is not able to defend himself.

if women dont lie then why did none of the 8 accusations against Biden stick? all the women were labeled liars.


He's not being arrested, and I don't know why you need to bring a court of law into the situation. Every workplace has their own rules and HR, and if inappropriate behavior occurs you can be dismissed, just as he was, without any legal repercussions.


true, but his reputation has been ruined by an accusation that hasnt been proven to be true yet. he will likely never work again in Hollyweird.

Mario Batali's case went to court and he was proven innocent. but the damage has been done and his career and reputation is also ruined.

either women tell the truth or they dont. Joe Biden was accused by multiple women but they were labeled liars and the kerfuffle quickly vanished.



... it's merely people (mainly men) facing consequences for their actions.

LOL, you seriously believe there must be actual actions for them to be accused/cancelled/reviled??


It doesn't sound like there was any actual investigation in Langella's case.


Why do you say that there was no investigation?

Also, you state below that innocent people are getting cancelled. Who? Where are all these innocent people?


"By April 14, Langella was “fired,” without “a hearing,” he contended, adding that his request for a “one-on-one” with his accuser “was denied,” and directors and producers “stopped answering” his messages.

A full press release and notice to cast and crew was sent out “within 30 minutes” of Langella’s expulsion, he claimed."

I think he's one of the innocents. Nothing he did deserves what he got.


Why would he need a hearing? What sort of hearing?


If you don't know, there's no point in continuing with you. Touching someone's leg on a movie set or telling an "off color joke" shouldn't ruin someone's career, but "offended" is the new black.


I am serious. Are referring to getting a hearing in a court of law?

My work place just put out their new employee code of conduct, and guess what? Telling an off colour joke will get you fired. Making inappropriate comments to someone else will get you fired. Touching someone will get you fired. That's what happened here. Maybe he didn't mean anything. Should he have been warned? Perhaps. I don't know that he wasn't warned. Do you?

It's not like this code of conduct is different from any other codes of conduct I've had for any of the places I've worked over the last 15 years.


A hearing with his employer. Presumably Netflix. He should at least be allowed to state his case.

Telling an off colour joke will get you fired. Making inappropriate comments to someone else will get you fired. Touching someone will get you fired.

The world is upside down. Now I get it if someone continues doing something after a complaint is made, but those are pretty benign "offenses".


Do you get a hearing with HR at your place of employment?

How do you know that he wasn't given a warning. Other than the statement which Frank has put out himself, neither Netflix or the person who complained have given a statement other than to say that he was fired and the part was being recast. If Netflix had no standing to fire him, why isn't Frank suing for wrongful termination? This is from the story that Connie93 posted.

By his own admission, according to the piece, Langella ignored instruction by the set’s intimacy co-ordinator regarding where he should place his hands on his co-star during the scene — instruction he calls “absurd.”

In regards to your comments that he told an off-colour joke, and that he hugged or touched her shoulder
But a producer reportedly told Langella he “cannot do that.”

We don't know how many times the producer told him he cannot do that. If it was just once, and Frank was fired, then yes, I think he would have a case, but if it was 2 or 3 times. No. That is cause for termination at any place of employment. A couple of the contract jobs that I do in the summer and another for Halloween, you get one warning. Stated in the contract. One warning and then you're gone.


If someone complained about me, I would most definitely get a hearing. Believe it or not, people lie and exaggerate.

It sounds like they told him after the fact but I don't know. I agree with the one warning policy though, but I also believe that people should be allowed to tell their side.

I have been touched in the workplace by both women and men and have heard very raunchy jokes from men and women alike, also. Guess what? I wasn't "offended" and I didn't want anyone to get fired. People are beyond stupid now days, over the smallest things.


I'm not saying that people don't lie or exaggerate, I'm saying that at most places of employment you don't get a hearing. You must work for a large corporation.

It sounds like they told him after the fact but I don't know.

From his statement he said that he was told he couldn't do those things.
“You can’t joke. You can’t compliment. You can’t touch. It’s a new order,” Langella said he was instructed.

So he was told that he couldn't do those things. He didn't make it clear when he was told. I mean, I'm sad about these accusations as I've always enjoyed Langella as an actor and would have enjoyed seeing him as Usher, but I've also worked with older men who don't understand that the world has changed and it's not cool to make passes at your co-workers, or tell them how pretty they are, or to touch them. Do they deserve more leniency the older they are? I don't know.

People are beyond stupid now days, over the smallest things.
I am glad that the world has changed enough to say that someone touching my ass, or even just touching my hand while making a comment about how they imagine "my pussy" would look is no longer acceptable. (these are my experiences at work, not what happened on set with Langella, and I was told that he meant no harm. It was just a compliment)


I am glad that the world has changed enough to say that someone touching my ass, or even just touching my hand while making a comment about how they imagine "my pussy" would look is no longer acceptable.

I'm glad that's not acceptable too. I could be wrong, but I don't think Frank's that kind of person. He's had a long career and as far as I know, no one's every said anything bad about him.

I think it's ironic that our so-called president has done stuff on camera to CHILDREN that would get you and me fired if we did them to adults!


And your previous president had allegations against him too. And another of your previous presidents was impeached for inappropriate sexual relations. All that says is that sexual harassment isn't new.

I don't know Frank Langella, nor do I know what sort of compliments he was giving his co-star. I only used my situation because it's something that has been brushed under the rug for a very long time, with both women and men being on the receiving end. I don't know if he was fired for no reason, but I know that the USA is a very litigious country, and if his crisis managers are telling him to apologise, then I wonder as to what he said.

I do not think that he did anything illegal, or that he assaulted anyone. I just think that he possibly broke a workplace code of conduct. Without a more involved comment from Netflix, we won't know.


I think the go-to today is to apologize, to try to save one's career and I think the vast majority of all the high profile apologies we hear are totally disingenuous pandering. None of them are actually sorry and I'm sure some of them are even innocent, but just like innocent people settle in court, it's what they feel will provide the best possible outcome.

Maybe at his age, Frank feels like sticking to his principals and saying to hell with his career. I'm sure he's set for life.


Maybe you keeps your hands and lewd comments to yourself? Is that too much to ask for men?!


Innocent people are getting cancelled, leftist. Is it too much to ask for you to delete your account?


The only silver lining in this disgusting dark storm of witch hunting is that some leftards who were all for "all women must be believed" are being caught up and being ruined. Small consolation but you have to look for an upside where ever you can.


Lots of men have been "cancelled" and still gone onto work. Idek that cancellation really leads to anything even when a case actually makes it to trial.
