False narrative regarding the plastic surgery...
The most commonly-believed narrative regarding Mickey's plastic surgery (PS) seems to be that, after he put acting on pause in the early 90's and pursued his boxing, he got reconstructive surgery to fix his facial injuries. This suggests his forays with PS have had nothing to do with vanity, and everything to do with medical need. However, there were already signs of (vanity-driven) PS back in the late 80's.
An example of this would be he bloated appearance (from fillers) in Wild Orchid (released in '89). In the books I've read about Mickey (I'm a big fan of his work), it definitely was pointed out that he was not generally happy with his appearance. This is a shame, because he had such a cool look before all the PS.
Sure, he probably had some work done to fix his face after boxing damage. However, it definitely seems like he has (also) had numerous surgeries strictly for cosmetic (and vanity) reasons. I'm sure the boxing damage exacerbated Mickey's insecurities about his looks. But ultimately, (IMO)...he's had WAY more than just the 6 procedures he owns up to. And they were for more reasons than just to fix boxing injuries.
If I had to guess, I'd say Mickey has a form of body dysmorphic disorder, similar to what Michael Jackson had, in which he doesn't see in the mirror what the rest of us see. He never saw a handsome man in his reflection, and was constantly trying to fix himself into something better (entirely unnecessarily)........and as a result, he just kept making himself worse. It's like a Greek tragedy.