His best role?

The Dark Knight mob boss


All of them


Personally, one of my favorites is The Coca Cola Kid. But I’ve pretty much liked him in everything that featured him. No where near as famous as his sister, but I don’t like her movies at all.


Star 80 and Runaway Train are his best performances. Honorable mention to The Pope of Greenwich Village.


"STar 80" no contest!

Bob Fosse's last film, and Roberts' best performance. He's magnetic and brilliant as a cheesy small-time crook and panderer who finally gets a shot at the big time... and finds he's too small-time and horrible to make it stick. It's an excellent film, and he totally dominates the screen in it.


Agreed 100%
I really like Roberts in pretty much everything
But damn...i saw Star 80 on HBO when i was way too young...such a horrible real life tragedy, brilliant dirtbag performance by Roberts....simply an awful story
Ive not seen it in ages and dont know if i care to revisit it
But yes, this was the best of his fine career


That's the thing, it's an excellent and totally compelling movie, but the subject matter is so tragic and repellent that you don't necessarily want to watch it again. Fun it's not!

But it really is to bad that Roberts never blossomed into a major star, he had the looks, he had the charisma, and this film proves he has the talent!


Agreed about Roberts!
Maybe im a nut but i feel the same way about Billy Zane
Both are handsome, a bit 'edgy,' even dangerous in their performances, often played tough guys or killers...im at a loss to explain why either of them kind of fizzled out
I liked them both quite a bit


Zane has always been charismatic and sexy, but I've never seen him give a really good performance, the kind that would give him more-than-another-pretty-face status. It's entirely possible that he's given such a performance and I haven't seen it and you have, which would explain everything.

There have been rumors that Roberts' career fizzled because of his private demons, or maybe he just never got that one starmaking role in a hit film. But he's still working, and still good and still hot.


Zane really slayed in Dead Calm...the guy really owns the lunatic act!
He popped up in Memphis Belle too and a few other good ones
I guess i just really like him...Roberts is very cool too though


king of queens


Haha I loved when he showed up in that. One of my favorite moments in all of KoQ was Eric Roberts telling Doug that he had his own paintball equipment in his vehicle.


Human Centipede 3 of course.


Any answer that's not Best of the Best is wrong. I'm shocked that it hasn't been mentioned yet.

That is THE movie which put Eric Roberts on the map for me, and it's still a film I can rewatch and enjoy. One of the best martial arts films of all time.




"Sensation", 1994




Best of the Best
